Standing by Their Oath: California Sheriffs Will Not Enforce Unconstitutional 2nd Amendment Law SB 2


American Republic News

The California Sheriffs are making a statement to the California Legislature, the Governor and the Judiciary that they will not support the controversial Senate Bill 2 law which makes concealed weapons illegal in most public places in the state, even if they were held by those with concealed carry permits (CCW).

Sutter County Sheriff Brandon Barnes and District Attorney Jennifer R. Dupré issued a joint statement on developments regarding Senate Bill 2.

“We have no interest in criminalizing constitutionally protected behavior. We took an oath to uphold our Constitution and will work to protect the rights of our citizens. This issue is far from being resolved and we are hopeful the courts will rule in favor of our constitution.”

Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux issued the following statement:

“I, as the President of the California State Sheriff Association, am leading the way to challenge SB2,” Boudreaux posted on the TCSO Facebook page. “As the Sheriff of Tulare County and a firm, strong believer in our second amendment, I aim to focus on the mission and direction of the Tulare County Sheriff’s Office. The evolving status of where CCW permit holders can legally carry firearms can be perplexing due to frequent change.”

Placer County Sheriff Wayne Woo:

We would like to take a moment to share a video message from Sheriff Woo regarding Senate Bill 2 and the changes to concealed carry weapons permit laws. The right of law-abiding citizens to arm and protect themselves is extremely important to the sheriff, and Sheriff Woo has substantial concerns over the constitutionality of SB2. Specifically, the new restrictions on where CCW holders are permitted to carry their firearms. As quoted by Sheriff Woo, “I am extremely concerned with the way SB2 attempts to control where CCW holders can carry their firearms. I believe strongly in supporting the rights of law-abiding citizens to protect themselves, and I will be utilizing everything at my disposal to help protect those rights. I am currently supporting the California State Sheriff’s Association in their opposition to these changes, and I will be monitoring all legal challenges as it moves forward.” As we prepare for these changes to take effect on January 1st, 2024, please pay attention to our social media pages and website for up-to-date information on SB2 and current CCW requirements. Also, follow the link below to read a personal letter from Sheriff Woo to all CCW holders, find more detailed information on SB2, and find DOJ-approved signage you can print out if you are a business owner and want to continue to allow CCW holders to carry inside your business.…

Fresno County Sheriff Zanoni Responds to New SB2 Bill Impacting CCW Permits:

Under California’s Senate Bill 2 law, California Citizens with a CCW would not be able to carry concealed guns in 26 categories of “sensitive places” including hospitals, playgrounds, stadiums, zoos and places of worship, regardless of whether they had permits to carry concealed weapons.

U.S. District Court Judge Cormac Carney issued a preliminary injunction on December 20, 2023, blocking California Senate Bill 2, which would have banned carrying concealed firearms in most public places, ruling that the law set to go into effect January 1st, violates the Second Amendment and deprives legal gun owners of their ability to defend themselves.

“Senate Bill 2 is nothing more than an attempt to disarm law abiding Citizens at a time in which there are real threats by armed attackers to committ mass murder. In short the governor and the attorney general want to create more “soft” targets for terrorist. Remember it was Rob Bonta who released the lists of California Citizens who not only had a CCW but their extensive information about all weapons in their possession. The Sheriffs see right through this set upPaul Preston, President New California State.

In June of 2022 Rob Bonta the attorney General released a massive data base of California Citizen’s information about CCW holders and others who had purchased weapon.  California Department of Justice said the leak was more extensive, affecting not only current permit holders but anybody who was granted or denied a permit to carry a concealed weapon between 2011 and 2021.

From the L.A. Times “The information included names, dates of birth, gender, race, driver’s license numbers, addresses and criminal histories, according to the statement. Social Security numbers and financial information were not exposed.”

“It is infuriating that people who have been complying with the law have been put at risk by this breach,” said Butte County Sheriff Kory Honea, the association’s president. “California’s sheriffs are very concerned about this data breach and the risk it poses to California’s CCW permit holders.”

All California law enforcement agencies that issue concealed-carry permits are required to provide “certain information” about permit holders to the Justice Department, “which in turn is required to safeguard that information,” according to a statement by the sheriffs’ association.

“It appears that before the breach was detected by DOJ, the information was copied and at least some portion of it was posted on the internet,” the statement said.

Justice Department officials said the data were exposed for less than 24 hours.

In addition to information from the concealed-carry permit applications, data on the Assault Weapon Registry, Handguns Certified for Sale, Dealer Record of Sale, Firearm Safety Certificate and Gun Violence Restraining Order dashboards were “also impacted,” Bonta’s office said, but authorities are investigating whether any personally identifiable information was exposed from those dashboards.”

The fight over concealed carry permits dates back to last year when the United States Supreme Court ruled in the landmark case New York State Rifle and Pistol Association v. Bruen last year which held that most laws regulating firearm ownership are legitimate only if they are firmly rooted in American history or analogous to some historical rule. As the Globe reported in September, the ruling specifically put California on notice over their CCW laws as the ruling struck down putting unconstitutional restrictions on concealed carry of a gun out in public.

The California Sheriffs are at odds to Gavin Newsom and Rob Bonta. This show of resistance in support of the U.S. Constitution is unheard of in the state’s history.

The Great State


New California Constitution States:

“The State of New California shall be a Constitutional Carry State and that a Well Regulated Militia , being Necessary to the Security of a Free State, the Right of the People to Keep and Bear Arms shall Not be Infringed.”

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