By Martha Scheeler and Dennis Brown of Team Hope Library

New California is the most viable option and for us to deeply comprehend we need to understand
what is and has been occurring. Here is a brief history of problems beginning with electronic
voting systems in California. Serious problems have occurred in all electronic voting systems in
every state and continue to this day.

In 2004, California Secretary of State, Kevin Shelley, decertified 14,000 touchscreen voting
machines and asked the California Attorney General to press civil and criminal charges against
Diebold Election Systems for fraud. Diebold obtained conditional certification based on
deception. Diebold said they were obtaining federal certification for the version the state
conditionally approved for use when they were not seeking certification. Diebold actually
submitted a different version for federal certification.

In 2005, California Secretary of State Bruce McPherson ordered a mock election test, perhaps to
prove that the machines were reliable. However, the failure rate for the Diebold touch-screen
machines was 30%. At that time Diebold had asserted that they had more than 55,000 voting
systems used throughout the United States. For some reason, Bruce McPherson reversed course
and re-certified Diebold Voting Devices despite the failure rate.

In a February 2006 press release, then California Senator, Debra Bowen is quoted as saying,
“How can the Secretary re-certify the Diebold machines when they don’t comply with California
law, violate the standards set by the Election Assistance Commission (EAC) that the Secretary
said he intended to follow, and he still didn’t have the report back from the ITAs that he said he
was waiting for is beyond me.” Later that year Debra Bowen was elected Secretary of State.
These past occurrences are nothing new. The voting equipment and too many of the elected
officials have been repeating this fraudulent coverup behavior up to and including today.

In 2009, Diebold sold their voting machine division to Election Systems and Software (ES&S).
In October of 2013, Diebold settled a criminal complaint of a “worldwide pattern of criminal
conduct” which included bribery and falsifying documents in order to win contracts in China,
Indonesia and Russia. It is a fact that the voting machine manufacturers are incestuous at best or
are in fact colluding as a shell game using similar software and hiding behind acquisition and

Through 2021- 2023, Shasta citizens complained about election fraud. On many occasions they
presented evidence of machine manipulation of votes in the 2022 General Election. In January
2023, the Shasta County Board of Supervisors, who responded to the Shasta citizens, became
convinced something was not right with the voting system and terminated their contract with
Dominion Voting Systems.

As a result of the ongoing corruption demonstrated in the California Legislation, they passed
Assembly Bill 969, which legalized election fraud by forcing counties to use electronic voting
machines, and forbidding hand counting of ballots.

The legislation was passed as urgency
legislation though (1) hand counting of ballots had been allowed since the state of Californiacame into existence, and (2) it violated the standard for urgency legislation because it was not urgent and it added duties to public officials.

It is important to note that anytime the urgency clause is used, there is not usually a justifiable reason for urgency, the real reason is so the people cannot repeal the law.

In November of 2023, Riverside County, California, was caught doctoring audit logs. Citizens
requested the audit logs and were given three different versions with no time stamps, with
crossed out and modified dates, and with no way to determine when they were created. This
elimination of time stamps is a common thread used in the coverup of election fraud.


Despite decades of election integrity discoveries and documented complaints including sworn
affidavits and declarations by citizens, testimony from experts and politicians, not only are
election issues never fixed, but our Legislature codifies the fraudulent behavior into law.
Examples are no voter ID, mail in ballots, centralized voting, inexcusable management of voter
rolls, ballot harvesting, mandating of use of corrupt voting equipment and absolutely very little
(if any) investigation or prosecution of legitimate voter fraud.


Until recently, California counties and their boards of supervisors have had zero curiosity when
it comes to the well documented issues of machine manipulation of their own constituents
constitutionally guaranteed right for their vote to be counted in a transparent, citizen’s auditable
election process. The reason they are paying attention now is that now citizens all over the state
are standing up and demanding that California let them see how their votes are counted.

It is now a forgone conclusion that the best way to assure that tabulation represents the will of
the voter is to transparently hand count the ballots. All ballots must correspond with a legally
registered voter who provides verification with voter ID to register and to vote. Mail in ballots
must be just for those who have provided the paperwork and justification for absentee voting
with chain of custody from the moment they are delivered to the election office. All ballots must
be guarded, surveilled, and then kept unopened until election day. Then on election day, with
citizen supervision, signatures must be compared on site, to voter registration records.

Hand counting should be accomplished in an observable venue where all votes are cast and
counted before ballots are removed and transported to assure no ballots are added or removed.
Machine tabulation weather at the polls or centralized in one location obscures the counting
outside of the citizen’s view. If we are to govern ourselves, as our Constitution demands, we
should view and validate that the counting is done precinct by precinct, not county by county.
February 2020 Ron Rivest – MIT Institute Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering
and Computer Science stated with confidence, “You never want to be in a position where you
have to say, ‘I trust the election outcomes because I trust the computer.’ Because computers, in
the end, aren’t that trustworthy. They can be manipulated. They can have their programming
changed. Every day new breaches of major computer systems are reported. Computer systems

just are very difficult to make secure, especially for something that’s very important, like
President Donald Trump released a document this week titled, SUMMARY OF ELECTION
states, “Getting to this result in Georgia, and other states, created an irredeemably compromised
election, filled with violations of the Constitution, unlawful ballots, widespread broken chain of
custody, electronic manipulation, and missing and corrupted election files that made it
uncertifiable – and impossible to recreate the results.”
This is the state of our California elections. Team Hope Library contains documents that prove
most of these issues occurred in California. Our interactions with elections officials in each of
the 58 California counties reveal coordination to keep election records from citizens in violation
of the California Public Records Act. Why?

Despite multiple attempts of citizens to fix California, there can be no other determination than
our legislature has baked fraud in our elections. The federal government, as it is, does not want to
fix election fraud. Most states do not want to fix it. Think about it, because one county (Shasta)
cancelled their contract with Dominion Voting Systems, to hand count their votes, California
passed AB969, which codified the use of electronic voting systems in law. Again, why?
The California Executive, Judicial and Legislative branches of government act with hostility and
contempt toward any citizen who raises concerns regarding elections. The government of
California passes laws and writes regulations in direct conflict with both the California
Constitution and the United States Constitution. Citizens no longer have redress of their
grievances guaranteed by those Constitutions and their representatives are no longer elected by
the citizens but selected by the elite. Therefore, the elite are served at the expense of average

In fact, the State of California has left the United States in acts of succession by departing from
the rules governing the Union of States. The pursuit of Cal-Exit is just the final step of decades
of trampling on the liberties of the governed causing taxpayers to flee to other states. The
insolvency of California and pending bankruptcy was created by unsustainable policies and
programs causing massive losses in tax revenues due to the dereliction of duty to the citizens and
the oaths of public officials.

If the people allow the use of election machines, we will never have fairly elected
representatives. Those who claim to represent their constituents have not been duly elected as
elections have not been certifiable for decades due to the use of electronic voting machines.


The groundwork for the formation of New California State began in 2018 and will be holding 20
election hearings between January and April of this year, “The movement has grown to 56 whole
or portions of California’s 58 countries, established an active legislature, read 190 Grievances on
the steps of the state county superior courts, conducted 12 Constitutional Conventions, written

their State Constitution, sent Delegate Representatives to Washington DC and conducted 70 field
hearings all up and down the state just to “listen” and give the people a voice in shaping of a new

There is an actual constitutional model to form a new state and New California is following this
model. West Virginia became a state when Virginia left the union during the Civil War. Virginia
no longer wanted to operate as a member of the United States under the Constitution and Bill of
Rights, so they left the Union of States just as West Virginia was attempting to form a new state.
The history of their formation provides a plan of action for the unconstitutional government of

New California is a Constitutional Republic not a Democracy as California pretends to be. The
New California State Declaration of Independence states, “As we seek to remain a member of
our Union, in order to form a more perfect Union we resolve to create the Free, Sovereign and
Independent State of New California due to the past and current government of California having
failed in their oath of office, obligations, and responsibilities as representatives of “We the
People” to provide a republican form of government as guaranteed by Article IV, Section 4 of
the United States Constitution.”

For many decades California citizens have tried to restore a constitutional form of government —
of the people, by the people, for the people — but California cannot be fixed. Like the nursery
rhyme, “All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put it back together again.” There
have been many ideas where parts of California would join another state or split the state into 2
states. Some of these groups have been around since the 1950’s. Unlike these other ideas, New
California State is not trying to make two or more States out of one. The constitution specifically
forbids splitting states but allows for the formation of a new state and that is what New
California State is doing.



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