Media, Activists Assumed Colorado Shooter Was White, Delete Posts, Pivot When His Identity Revealed

ByAshe Schow•Mar 23, 2021

Chet Strange/Getty Images

As soon as a shooting was reported at a Boulder, Colorado, grocery store, members of the media and activists rushed to insist the shooter must be white and, specifically, a “white supremacist,” before his identity was even released.

When news outlets reported that the suspect had been apprehended, numerous verified Twitter accounts suggested the shooter must be white, as any other race, some claimed, would have been shot at the scene. The suspected shooter was shot at the scene, but in the leg, and was taken into custody. DeadSpin editor Julie DiCaro and USA Today editor Hemal Jhaveri insisted in a conversation that the shooter was a “white man,” with Jhaveri referring to him as “an angry white man.”Candace OwensPauseNext video0:09 / 1:00SettingsFull-screen

Amy Siskind, a feminist activist, said the shooter was “almost certainly a white man” because he was apprehended. Once she learned the race of the suspect, however, she pivoted to suggesting people mourn the victims and not focus on the identity of the killer. Author Meena Harris, niece of Vice President Kamala Harris, posted then deleted a tweet declaring, “Violent white men are the greatest terrorist threat to our country.

Caleb Hull, a Republican strategist, compiled a list of similar statements from reporters and activists, many of whom have deleted their original tweets once they learned the suspect was not white, but of Arabic descent.

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