Permits Are Denied for May 1st ‘Re-Open California’ Protests at State Capitol

‘The order came from the top’


Following the Monday April 20th protest at the California State Capitol demanding the Governor re-open the state and end the lockdown, the Sacramento Bee reported, “demonstrators defied Gov. Gavin Newsom’s orders banning large gatherings.”

Almost immediately, the California Highway Patrol announced it would no longer issue permits for events at the Capitol.

Re-Open California  #EndTheLockdown is the group planning the Friday May 1st protest where protestors will be circling the capitol in cars. “We must tell our politicians to end this nonsense!” the Facebook page says. However, the Capitol permit request was denied, despite that the permit stated that protestors would adhere to social distancing, wear face masks, and that most would be in cars or on the sidewalks surrounding the Capitol.

Sources in the Capitol say the order to the CHP came all the way from the top – the Governor’s office. Other groups also applied for protest permits for May 1st, which I am being told are being denied as well.

“How do you know when you stop being GOVERNED and start being RULED?  When your leaders tell you WHERE you can protest.  And WHAT.  And WHEN,” a commenter posted on the article.

“We have had the worst scum in the country protest on Capitol grounds and some of them violently including the Black Panthers, Antifa, Earth First, etc.
Now peaceful protestors demanding restoration of their constitutional rights taken away unlawfully by Benito Newsome’s illegal house arrest orders are not allowed,” another posted.

In every leftist is a totalitarian screaming to get out. ~David Horowitz

Gross Government Overreach

California’s now infamous homeless population has been allowed to live, defecate and die on the streets while mayors and county supervisors looked the other way, yet residents are supposed to believe we are being ordered to shelter at home for this flu virus for our own good?

While thousands of criminals are being let out of California jails because of a “potential” outbreak of coronavirus, California residents are being ordered to shelter-in-place and stay home.

People have reported to California Globe that they have been pulled over by police asking where they were going, and to show proof of an “essential” job.

Governor Gavin Newsom is trying to provide $75 million to the state’s illegal immigrants while legal citizens can’t even get unemployment or government grants for their businesses.

A dad was arrested for playing ball with his children in an empty field.

A San Diego woman has been notified she’s facing a $1,000 fine or jail time for organizing a downtown San Diego protest that drew hundreds.

Bike trails have been locked down and closed.

State Parks, state beaches, regional parks, skate parks, playgrounds, basketball courts and anything fun out-of-doors has been shut down by overzealous local authoritarian government workers. A lone surfer was arrested earlier in the month. A woman on a jogging trail was cited.

It is apparent the local county officials want people to remain in their neighborhoods, and have issued such orders. Because they can.

This is why there are protests and people disobeying stay-at-home orders.

Gov. Newsom is ignoring the science after saying he would let science dictate his decisions

Stanford University scientists just conducted a coronavirus antibody test, which tested 3,330 people, concluded that the infection is both more common than previously thought and possesses a lower fatality rate than what current data suggest.

University of Southern California and the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, also just finished a study which found as many as 442,000 Los Angeles County residents may have already been infected with the coronavirus by early April, a number far higher than the 8,000 cases confirmed at the time. In the first large-scale study of adults tested for COVID-19 antibodies in their blood, initial results show researchers found that 4.1% have the antibodies, an indication that they have already been exposed to the virus. That translates to roughly 221,000 to 442,000 adults who have recovered from an infection, once margin of error is taken into account, according to the researchers conducting the study.

As the Globe said April 6th, Many physicians are now saying the lockdown and social distancing orders are preventing herd immunity, and will drag out the course of the virus. “Stanford biophysicist and Nobel laureate Michael Levitt said this week, ‘The real situation is not as nearly as terrible as they make it out to be,’” Daily Wire reported. “Last week, Levitt emphasized: ‘[Y]ou need to think of corona like a severe flu. It is four to eight times as strong as a common flu, and yet, most people will remain healthy and humanity will survive.’”

The governor has yet to acknowledge the importance of these two studies by two of the most reputable universities in the country. Many more epidemiologists and immunologists have spoken out of news shows about how locking people down is the opposite of what should be happening in order to build herd immunity.

Americans have survived the Hong Kong Flu, the Avian Flu, the Swine Flu, and SARS, as well as Legionnaire’s Disease and Ebola without locking down the entire country. Californians may not survive the statewide lockdown because half of the state will be bankrupt.

More than 3 million Californians have filed for unemployment. Prior to the statewide shutdown, unemployment in the state was as low as 3.9% in February, but was up to 5.3% by March and will be at a record high by the end of April.

By now, most people are saying that this doesn’t add up. And they are protesting. Even without a permit.

Katy GrimesKaty Grimes, the Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

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