Kern Co. Immunology Docs Say Only Sick and Elderly Should be Quarantined, Businesses Should Open

‘Now that we have the facts, it’s time to get back to work’


‘The risks of social isolation are too high.’

KIRO News 23 reports that Immunology Doctors Dan Erickson and Artin Massihi said their facilities have tested over 5,200 patients for the coronavirus throughout Kern county, making up for over half of all testing in Kern. According to their data, the death rate of the coronavirus is similar in prevalence to the flu.

“Now that we have the facts,” said Dr. Erickson. “It’s time to get back to work.”

But they also warn that what is going on around the country and in California is not about medicine or science.

“When they use the word ‘safe,’… when you listen to the word ‘safe,’ that’s about controlling you,” Dr. Erickson said. “This is not about science, and it’s not even about COVID.”

Dr. Erickson said every ER doctor he knows says the same, and goes on to tell about ER doctors who describe empty emergency rooms, but they are stopped at the door by men in hazmat suits, taking their temperature.

Erickson said he believes businesses could reopen and as testing continues, people could starting going back to work. In fact, Erickson suggests that staying at home too long could be even worse for people’s health.

Erickson also exposes the scheme pressuring doctors throughout the state to boost COVID-19 numbers by adding it to the death certificate.

ER doctors now, you know, the friends that I talk to are saying you know it’s interesting that when I’m writing up my death report I am being pressured to add COVID,” Erickson said. “Why is that?  Why are we being pressured to add COVID?  To maybe increase the numbers and make it look worse than it actually is?…   This is not about science and it’s not even about COVID.  When they use the word “safe” the word safe is about controlling you.  So when I talk to all of my ER doctors who work in a hospital with no stake in the game, same opinion.”

“We understand microbiology, we understand immunology and we want strong immune systems,” Erickson said. “I don’t want to stay in my home and develop a weak immune system and then come out and get a disease.”

Erickson and Massihi contacted the Kern County Public Health Department and discussed whether the state should reopen.

Kern County Public Health Department responded:

In our ongoing effort to mitigate the impacts of COVID-19 on our residents and healthcare system, we continue to adhere to the guidance issued by Governor Newsom regarding the stay at home order.

Kern County Public Health Services recommends the following protective measures:
Stay at home except for essential needs.
Practice social distancing.
Wash hands with soap and water often.
Avoid touching eyes, nose or mouth with unwashed hands.
Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue or your elbow.
Avoid close contact with people who are sick.
Stay away from work, school or other people if you become sick.
Wear face covering while in public if you are unable to maintain social distancing.

“We live our lives in the life sciences: biology, biochemistry, microbiology. There’s something else going on here.”

The two videos above are the complete interview with the doctors.

Read more at Gateway Pundit and KIRO News 23.

Katy Grimes: Katy Grimes, the Editor of the California Globe, is a long-time Investigative Journalist covering the California State Capitol, and the co-author of California’s War Against Donald Trump: Who Wins? Who Loses?

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