BT Erik Elness 

Pascual Rioja Lorenzo, age 39.

Helmuth Hauprich, age 62

Robert Parker, age 58.

These are 3 of the 4 innocent Californians murdered yesterday, in cold blood, by violent felon Zachary Castaneda.

And their deaths were 100% preventable.

Here’s how the cycle works. Californians elect Leftist leaders, like Gavin Newsom and A.G. Xavier Becerra. Newsom and Becerra steamroll laws into effect, like AB 109 and Sanctuary State. Zachary Castaneda would have been in jail, where he belonged (for violent crimes, including a felony committed with a semi-auto rifle), But For the fact he was released by AB 109.

How would you feel if one of the victims above was your neighbor, your friend, your parent, or your child?

Leftists politicize public safety and it’s literally, very literally, Paid For In Blood. Hundreds of our fellow citizens victimized, some killed, yet many voters just sit by and watch and keep voting for radical Democrats.

How does this horrible human loss not cause you sorrow and anger, when it’s a predictable, direct result of the Leftist policies these leaders have put into effect? It’s time we turned that sorrow and anger into determination to Change It.

There’s a Recall that’s about to happen for Gavin Newsom. Get involved to take our state back. Get involved with your local central committee. Walk precincts, make phone calls, share posts, or put up signs for candidates who will truly work to make a difference.

It’s time for We The People to put a stop to this. No more politicized blood shed.

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