NATIONAL MEDIA ANALYST #1: Megan Barth, is the Co-Chair of The Media Equality Project and national spokeswoman of
(BOSTON / LAS VEGAS) — With the left again using intimidation and pressure tactics to remove all dissenting voices from the airwaves, the Media Equality Project is launching Operation #StandWithLaura in support of Laura Ingraham.
After a relatively benign tweet by the Fox News Channel host accusing the outrageously-overexposed David Hogg of whining over his lack of acceptance to key universities, the anti-Second Amendment activist took to Twitter to launch an advertiser boycott.
With the help of the extreme-left Media Matters for America organization, Hogg was able to obtain a list of advertisers and convinced at least 16 of them to withdraw sponsorship of Ingraham’s primetime television show.
Those leaving included Rachel Ray’s Nutrish pet food brand, Wayfair and TripAdvisor.
With over 107,000 members, The Media Equality Project’s StopTheScalpings Facebook group immediately began a countereffort, informing departing advertisers that it would no longer be purchasing their products. In addition, it is contacting remaining sponsors, urging them to stick with Ingraham.
Even when Ingraham apologized for her tweet, Hogg refused to accept it unless she was willing to denounce all of Fox’s programming.
“Exploiting the shooting deaths of young people to score partisan political points represents a new low in American discourse,” said Brian Maloney, co-founder and co-chairperson of the organization.
“This pathetic attempt at shutting down Fox News will not be tolerated and will fight their censorship effort tooth and nail,” he added.
Co-chairperson Megan Barth said that “In capitalizing on the horrors of Parkland to advance a partisan smear campaign, Media Matters and the ‘progressive’ left have reached a new low. Their attack on Ingraham proves that censorship is their real agenda.”
“Last year it was Sean Hannity,” she added. “This year it’s Laura. Who’s next? As a NRA member, I found it offensive when Hogg referred to supporters as child murderers. Hogg isn’t just a whiner about his lack of acceptance into colleges as Ingraham pointed out, he’s a leftist bully now using a well-funded progressive pulpit to smear anyone who doesn’t agree with him.
“The advertisers who have abandoned Laura should be ashamed that they are taking orders from a petulant child,” she added.
Co-founder Melanie Morgan believes that “right-thinking Americans see what is happening here to Laura Ingraham. It’s particularly pathetic when left-wing activists like Media Matters for America (funded by George Soros), uses children who are still suffering from the trauma of losing their classmates as proxies for a gun control agenda. These people are trying to destroy Laura personally and personally, by jeopardizing her livelihood and the future of her own children. We must fight, fight, fight against this boycott.”
In the coming days, the Media Equality Project intends to dramatically step up its efforts to protect free speech from “progressive” censors.
TWITTER: @MediaEqualizer

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