FACEBOOK Data Scandal Has Left Zuckerberg Isolated… 



The selling of your information to the world…..your being scraped!

Zuckerberg hits back at Tim Cook…  Zuckerberg to Testify Before Congress… 

CYBER SECURITY/TECH ANALYST: Michael Daugherty, is a Director at The National Cyber Security Society and a Board Member at Netshield Corporation: The Global Leader in Affordable Breach Prevention. He is author of The Devil Inside the Beltway: The Shocking Expose of the US Government’s Surveillance and Overreach Into Cyber-security, Medicine and Small Business.
“Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg will testify next week before the House Energy and Commerce Committee, the panel announced Wednesday.
Chairman Greg Walden and ranking member Frank Pallone said Mr. Zuckerberg will appear on April 11 at 10 a.m.
“This hearing will be an important opportunity to shed light on critical consumer data privacy issues and help all Americans better understand what happens to their personal information online,” the leaders said in a joint press release.
The announcement comes after weeks of pressure from lawmakers for Mr. Zuckerberg to answer for the recent data breach involving Facebook and an outside company, Cambridge Analytica, which has ties to Mr. Trump’s campaign.
Since the Cambridge Analytica revelations rocked the scandalized social media giant on March 16, Facebook has scrambled to contain the damage as its share price has plummeted roughly $80 billion in market value.”
BIO: Mike Daugherty is the CEO of LabMD, a medical testing lab. He has spent most of the last decade defending his company against charges that it had deficient cybersecurity practices. The early years of his entering and fighting in the Washington, DC, are recorded in his book, “The Devil Inside the Beltway”. In so doing, he has become the only litigant to challenge the basic authority that underlies more than 200 enforcement actions relating to cybersecurity and online privacy that the FTC has brought over the past 15 years. Every one of the 200+ litigants before him – including some of the largest companies in the world – have settled with the FTC, creating an unquestioned and untested belief that the FTC has broad authority to regulate in these areas.
WEBSITE: TheDevilInsideTheBeltway.com
TWITTER: @DaughertyMJ

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