State of New California



Grievance 2

Declaration of Grievance

New California is a new state in development exercising it’s Constitutional Right to form from the State of California. The process to form New California is authorized and codified in Article IV Sections 3 & 4 of the United States Constitution.

Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government.

When a long train of abuses and acts to seize and hold the people’s power without legal authority and pursuing invariably the same Object that clearly demonstrates a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.

So it is the history of the past and present Governor and Government of California has a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of a Tyranny over the Counties of New California and the State of California.

Whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to seek a constitutional remedy to the abuse of powers.

The Citizens of New California have decided to remedy the abuse of power by the government of California by exercising their right to form a new state provided in United States Constitution Article IV Section 3 States and United States Constitution Article IV Section 4.

Therefore the Counties of New California bring forward 40 Grievances against the government of California to be announced in public on Tuesday at 11:00 am each week for the next 40 weeks.


State of New California

Grievance 2

Declaration of Grievance

United States Constitution Article IV Section 4 States in part:

The United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion; and on application of the legislature, or of the executive (when the legislature cannot be convened) against domestic violence.

Failure of the government of California to provide a republican form of government

The California government deliberately fails to provide free and fair elections to the Citizens of California. A violation of United States Constitution Article IV Section 4.

Elections are modified by coercive and corrupt California government officials who establish secret election schemes within counties with the intent to maintain and further the aims of a tyrannical mono party form of government with the aim to diminish California Citizen’s right to participate in representative government.

The present California governor and government officials work alongside leaders of foreign governments who are averse to the United States and who flood unchecked into California illegal alien nationals to deliberately influence election results.

Failure of the government of California to protect each Citizen against invasion

The present California governor grants “citizenship” to illegal alien nationals in direct violation of United States immigration laws at the expense of California American Citizens. 

Foreign nationals who advocate the overthrow of the United States are celebrated by the California governor and government officials. These same nationals have established themselves in California communities with the sole intent to

destabilize city councils, county government and all republican forms of governance.

While California drowns in debt the present California governor illegally provides over $26 billion of California tax dollars each year to support millions of illegal alien nationals thus depriving California Citizens their rightful benefits from their own tax dollars.

Failure of the government of California to protect Citizens against domestic violence.

Crime is spiking each year as thousands of criminals are released early from jail due to the failure of the government of California to provide adequate facilities to house inmates.

The present governor and the government of California fail to provide law enforcement the necessary money, supplies and training to prevent human trafficking being openly conducted in California by violent foreign criminal cartels.

This concludes these proceeding.

New California Movement seeks to separate rural California from the coastal cities. (Facebook Photo – New California Movement)


  1. I don’t have a problem with the criticisms of the governor and of the State of California. I just wish I had a chance to join New California, but I live in the progressive suckhole of San Francisco.

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