NorCAL Fires Aftermath ~ Proof Agenda 21 Plans Are Being Implemented


An interesting perspective on the Agenda 21 plan is explored from the Santa Rosa fire.

Fire-scorched Fountaingrove in Santa Rosa focal point of debate over rebuilding

The above article is the down payment for the information being distributed to the general public to usher into the public mind to prepare for mass population redistribution.

One of the concerns we are seeing is a complete shut down of the press relative to the facts.  We are still seeing reports there are only 42 people dead when reports list as many as 400 people are still missing and unaccounted for at this time.

As Santa Rosa sets its sights on rebuilding following the deadly wildfires this month, the city has sent homeowners a clear message that it will not stand in their way.

Anyone who owned a home in the city has a right to rebuild it in the same place, as long as modern building codes are followed, officials have said.

But some are asking whether it’s wise to let one neighborhood in particular — the hillside enclave of Fountaingrove — be rebuilt as it was, given that it has now burned to the ground twice in 53 years and wasn’t built according to city rules to begin with.

The Tubbs fire, which roared over the hills from Calistoga on Oct. 8, claimed hundreds of homes in the upscale neighborhood.

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