Burn Baby Burn: Gov Brown Wants to let California Burn



Originally published July 15, 2017

UPDATED JULY 26, 2017 5:00 AM PST

Sources in the state of California ‘Cal Fire ‘ division have provided Agenda 21 Radio additional information regarding the motives of California governor Jerry Brown. Stating Brown: “actually encourages fire depts. to apply “during” a fire to get federal dollars”.  “I’m sure Mr. Brown wants all fires to get this $$$$..”

First Jerry Brown wants to destroy California Dams and now he wants to let California Burn!!!!

PAUL PRESTON exposes the 12 fires that started up without any known cause suddenly within a 7 day period in California as Governor Brown was ramping up his demands to the federal government to pay for the services by Cal Fire and other local fire departments on federal lands. Brown turns to extortion and declares he will no longer provide Cal Fire services to federal lands. In short Brown will let federal lands burn. If the California budget was not in such a deficit the State would have paid the local agencies and been reimbursed by the federal government which is standard protocol.  But Jerry Brown is desperate to get more cash as the state budget is out of control with the state verging on bankruptcy.

Paul Preston Reporting from the Oroville Dam tower above the dam as the “Wall Fire” in Bangor just got started on July 7, 2017. The Wall Fire was just one of 12 fires started in a 7 day period that is still under investigation as to their cause. There is speculation these fires were caused by Brown using drones.

1 thought on “Burn Baby Burn: Gov Brown Wants to let California Burn

  1. How many of these fires happen to be burning in counties that have signed on to the State of Jefferson pledge?

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