By Shelby Bunch, Riverside County Chair, New California State

Riverside County citizens are holding their Board of Supervisor’s feet to the fire regarding their
flawed, inaccurate, and UNCONSTITUTIONAL election system. The Riverside County
elections, going back to 2014, have admittedly been problematic, according to the Board
themselves, who publicly apologized to the printers (Runbeck Election Services) as they were
firing them.

The issues were so egregious that the Board also fired the Registrar of Voters (ROV) they
appointed back in 2014. Among the many discrepancies in the ballot counts (As high as 36,000)
observed by Yvette Anthony, a Riverside County poll-observer trainer, are falsified records
presented to the public by the ROV office, SQL updates that were conducted during the March
Primary in 2020, and the fact that Riverside County IT allowed a Dominion employee to oversee
the entire 2020 Presidential Election ballot-counting process.

As the Riverside County Board of Supervisors and many other County Boards across California
continue to bury their heads in the sand regarding our ‘captured’ election system, New California
(A non-profit, Constitutional Educational Organization 501c4) has created a simple hand-
counting system, derived from the Colorado Clear Box Method, to conduct in-person, same-day
results DEMO Elections across California on January 27, 2024.

Every citizen in California is encouraged to come out and VOTE in the upcoming DEMO
Elections. These DEMOs are meant to give the citizens back a voice in stating the type of
elections they desire and to show County Boards across California that if they refuse to ethically
represent the citizens they are meant to serve according to the U.S. Constitution, the citizens
will stand together to show them how it is done.
See the flyers below to find out if you reside in a participating county.

(Orange County and Kern County locations to be posted soon.)

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