Judge Jeanine Misses the Point Slams “California Voters”. Why Not the Politicians, the Media that Makes the Elections a Fraud?

We all love Judge Jeanine but like so many east coast elites she misses the point about California voters. In her attempt to discuss the two most outrageous laws put upon the people of California and the nation she glibly mentions the California voter. Stating “Californians voted for Proposition 47” the law that increases the value of stolen or damaged property from $450.0O to $950.00 to become a felony and Proposition 57 The Public Safety and Rehabilitation Act of 2016. Both of the propositions were voted into law by the voter. What Judge Jeanine does not understand is the voting system is vastly corrupted and the CALIFORNIA VOTERS HAVE NO SAY AS TO WHO THEY VOTE FOR OR FOR WHAT PROPOSITIONS ARE PASSED. Wake up Judge the California voter has NO say in the voting system. The sooner you start to blame the Cartels and the Rino-Republicans for the fraud election system the better off we’ll all be in California and America.

What is Proposition 47?

Passed by voters in November 2014, Proposition 47 brought broad and significant changes to California’s criminal justice system. Undertaken in the wake of public safety realignment in 2011, Proposition 47 reduced the penalties for certain lower-level drug and property offenses and represented a further step in prioritizing prison and jail space for higher-level offenders.

What is Proposition 57?

Proposition 57 was overwhelmingly approved by voters in the November 2016 election to enhance public safety, to stop the revolving door of crime by emphasizing rehabilitation, and to prevent federal courts from releasing prisoners. Final Proposition 57 regulations were approved for permanent adoption by the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) and filed with the Secretary of State’s Office on May 1, 2018.

On December 11, 2018, CDCR filed proposed emergency regulations with the Office of Administrative Law (OAL) to expand nonviolent offender parole consideration under Proposition 57 to indeterminately-sentenced nonviolent offenders (nonviolent Third Strikers). The regulations created two separate processes for people convicted of nonviolent crimes.

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