New California State 51 – The Perseverance of the Saints

Ephesians 6:10


11th Constitutional Convention of New California State 51 (NCS51)


MAY 18, 2023

Welcome new and old readers, we are seeing God do the impossible in the astronomical and the geological signs.

Let’s take a pause and share a story a little closer to home. God’s saints are persevering and taking a stand. Though there are readers here from all over the world, the hope is that this story will inspire and bless all that read it.

Why is this story important?

As California goes, so goes the nation…

As America goes, so goes the world…

Let’s look at a current and living illustration of the “perseverance of the saints” and history in the making, where many believe God will do the impossible.

14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.
2 Chronicles 7:14, NASB1995

A Beautiful and Bountiful Rural Land

Burney Falls, CC BY-SA 4.0

There is great natural beauty on the western shores of North America, from the snow capped peak of Mount Shasta to the beaches of San Diego, the sand dunes of Oceano to the springs of Burney Falls, the monarch groves of Pismo Beach, to the tallest redwoods in Humboldt, the lava fields of Lassen to the deepest depths of Lake Tahoe surrounded by the Sierras, and more, all evidence of God’s creation.

Pismo Beach/Grover Beach –

A Land of Milk and Honey

Families have farmed its fertile fields along the wide Sacramento and San Joaquin Valleys with produce pollinated by half a million beehives. A bounty of agricultural commodities is produced including dairy, grapes, almonds, cattle, strawberries, pistachios, lettuce, tomatoes, walnuts, and rice to feed the world and contribute to the 5th largest economy in the world.

Rice fields – Sacramento Valley – Creative Commons Attribute 3.0

A Dream of New California State

Through the vision of Paul Preston, there is a movement growing here in California made up of families who have come together for liberty, to self-govern, and to form New California State (NCS51), the 51st state of the United States of America.

Read more here at a glance (PDF Handout and Talking Points)


New California State Constitutional Convention XI:

Friday Opening Prayer

On Friday, May 12th, 2023, in Roseville, CA at the NCS Constitutional Convention XI, S. Meyers read the following opening prayer,

Heavenly Father, just as You led Jacob to the right place, You sent Holy Spirit to lead us on our journey in the formation of the 51st state, the State of New California. Although we don’t always know what is needed in each situation, You do, and You have promised to help us. It is very encouraging, Father, that the very word for intercession means “bullseye.” As we listen to Holy Spirit, and also allow Him to pray through us, we will hit the mark.

Heavenly Father, we ask for those participating today, both in-person as well as on-line; intensify Your presence and Your glory with them even now. Meet with them, minister to them. Heal and strengthen their bodies, encourage their hearts, minds and emotions. Let assurance flood over them as they cry out to You for our state and our nation.

And lastly, Father, we ask You to meet with our families; pour out Your Spirit on them. Meet with church congregations, sending truth, fire and power. Meet with our nation, cleansing, reforming, and restoring it. And meet with other nations, sending awakening and transformation to them. We ask all of this in the powerful and incomparable name of Jesus Christ and declare that Yours is the Kingdom, the power and the glory FOREVER! Amen!

A Constitutional Blueprint

The last time this process was followed was with West Virginia in 1863. The founding fathers outlined a blueprint process to follow:

Article IV Section 3 of the United States Constitution

“New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new States shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.”

The founding fathers who crafted this blueprint, knew it would be required when governments fail and/or governments would use tyrannical means to overreach, mandate, lockdown, mask, inject, and give no choice but force families to flee the state.

Deep Roots in the Constitution

The members of NCS51 are standing their ground in New California. Members have deep roots, families, homesteads, established businesses and property – and most of all a love for this land. Inspired by our forefathers, members have held eleven conventions, multiple meetings, committees, town halls, and have crafted a beautifully written:


This eloquently written document, does “acknowledge and humbly invoke the favor of Almighty God for continued civil and religious liberty to ourselves and our posterity” and addresses various concerns in the hearts and minds of family members living in rural California.

Two teams of delegates were selected from NCS51 members and have already traveled to Washington D.C. to begin the process and meet with Congress following the blueprint crafted for such a time as this. The teams made great progress in filing paperwork to be admitted as a new state to the Union and meeting with representatives from Congress.

In Roseville, CA on May 12th to the 13th, 2023, at the 11th Constitutional Convention, this new Constitution of the State of New California was reviewed and ratified by both the Senate and Assembly members representing the counties of NCS51. Approximately 75 members were present or online to discuss and document the proceedings and stand in support of amendments to the Constitution of the State of New California which covered health and welfare, public natural resources, privately owned land, homesteading, border protection, weather modification, and earth manipulation. Theses amendments were added to the existing Bill of Rights drafted to protect the freedom and fairness of education, bearing arms, elections, powers, legislative, executive, judiciary, religion, and the right to life.

Saturday Opening Prayer

On Saturday morning, May 13th, 2023, S. Meyers read the following prayer.

Heavenly Father, so few understand that we can be used to connect Heaven and Earth. And yet, how else could we possibly steward or manage the Earth for You, if not by releasing Heaven’s will and ways into it. Jesus our King told us to pray,

“Thy Kingdom come! Thy will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven!”

If we could see the unseen spiritual realm, we would see that our prayers, worship, and decrees create gates and position “ladders” – entry points – for angels to enter earth’s realm.

We determine to partner with You at a higher level. You want this and need it. You actually entrusted Jesus Christ, Your Son, and Earth’s redeemer, to the care of humans! You want and need partners here. We volunteer! Change Earth through us! Change the state of California through us!

We decree Your Kingdom power and will into the churches of America and especially California. We declare Your Kingdom authority over the ungodly government of America and California. Their evil rule cannot stand. They have built on sand and have no firm foundation. Now, send the winds and rain to tear down their evil strongholds. And we declare Your Kingdom rule over the children, youth, and young adults in America and California. They will be rescued by Holy Spirit and Heaven’s angelic host. The Captain, the Head, the Owner of Earth has declared it, and we agree. We do and say all this in His name, for He is Yeshua Hamashiach, our Lord Jesus Christ!


Prayers have been published with the permission of S. Meyers, representing Placer County NCS51, the prayers are documented here for posterity in forming NCS51.

There have been 200 attempts to do this in the past since California became a state in 1850.

So what’s different this time?

This is the first time in over 200 attempts to form a new state from California where the Constitutional Blueprint of Article IV, Section 3 is being followed.

New California State achieved Constitutional “Standing” in the U.S. Supreme Court based on: declared independence, 190 grievances read, 10 declarations of truths, CA default notifications, government formation at 11 constitutional conventions, CA/CA officials lawsuit court cases, etc.

No State has been brought into the Union who could not demonstrate their ability to self govern.  New California will demonstrate a governance system as modeled by the U.S. Declaration of Independence, Constitution and Bill of Rights.

Those present witnessed self-governance demonstrated at the NCS51 Constitutional Convention XI where the Assembly and Senate met under the Speaker of the House in Roseville, CA representing NCS51 rural counties on May 12th and 13th, 2023.

In Closing

One may wonder,

What is the probability of this happening?

Here is a “back of the napkin” estimate, brainstormed with my wife and son (a Junior in High School). Both kindly pointed out my flaws in my original calculations.

  • First a histogram chart (in blue) of the “# of states” admitted to the United States per year, on a timeline, showing a relative period of high activity in admitting states into the Union (~135 years).
  • Out of all 50 states there were 3 states (i.e.: Kentucky, Maine, and W. Virginia) who were admitted after splitting from an existing state.
  • In 1959 the last two states (i.e.: Hawaii and Alaska) were admitted into the Union. Thus, this period of “quiet” (nearly 65 years) is also factored into the probability calculation.

Some numbers and dates:

  • 48 states were formed between 1777 and 1912
  • 1792 – Kentucky split from Virginia
  • 1820 – Maine split from Massachusetts
  • 1850 – California was admitted into the Union
  • 1863 – West Virginia split from Virginia
  • 1959 – Alaska and Hawaii were admitted into the Union

So the resulting estimate:

  • Probability of New California State as the 51st state of the Union: 1 out of ~1520

But that doesn’t factor into account:

New California State achieved Constitutional “Standing” in the U.S. Supreme Court based on:

declared independence,

190 grievances read,

10 declarations of truths,

CA default notifications,

government formation at 11 constitutional conventions,

CA/CA officials lawsuit court cases, etc.

Furthermore, it doesn’t account for the following,

God can do the impossible.

28 Do you not know?
    Have you not heard?
The Lord is the everlasting God,
    the Creator of the ends of the earth.
He will not grow tired or weary,
    and his understanding no one can fathom.
29 He gives strength to the weary
    and increases the power of the weak.
30 Even youths grow tired and weary,
    and young men stumble and fall;
31 but those who hope in the Lord
    will renew their strength.
They will soar on wings like eagles;
    they will run and not grow weary,
    they will walk and not be faint.
Isaiah 40:28-31, NIV

Please pray and support New California State.

Read more here at a glance (PDF Handout and Talking Points)

Please share and tell a friend.




Meyers, S. (2023). Opening prayer at the New California State Constitutional Convention XI. NCS51.

3 sermons.



Meyers, S. (2023). Second prayer at the New California State Constitutional Convention XI. NCS51.

6 sermons.

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