By Paul Preston

Boston Tea Party, (December 16, 1773), incident in which 342 chests of tea belonging to the British East India Company were thrown from ships into Boston Harbor by American patriots disguised as Mohawk Indians. The Americans were protesting both a tax on tea (taxation without representation) and the perceived monopoly of the East India Company.

Source Encyclopaedia Britannica

The Boston Tea Party of 1773 is perhaps one the most significant acts of rebellion against King George of the Revolutionary War. The cry in the land was “No taxation without representation” has resonated in our country for over two hundred fifty years.

Boston Tea PartyIllustration of the Boston Tea Party.
© North Wind Picture Archives

However the cry has fallen deaf ears as most people have lost all understanding of the symbolism associated with the Boston Tea Part. It was an act of rebellion to be sure but it was a clear demonstration against tyranny that two years later would produce the Revolutionary War of 1775.

People in 1775 in the colonies were fed up with taxes being imposed on them with out being represented in London. Today all around the nation we are seeing right in faces the same set of circumstances as the colonist. The difference is the taxation numbers are into the trillions of dollars and the people do not seem to care!

In California under the mono party totalitarian dictatorship you have state that has failed in every area of governance yet is demanding through their failed legislature higher taxes. New California State which has been warning the world about the state of California’s failed financial picture has found itself in the unique position to be telling the state of California their own extreme debt they actually deny! The states legislature, executive and judicial branches of government are all in on the denial..

For all to see are some facts no one can deny. The first one is the fact for 7 months public schools have been closed!!!!! The children our most precious children are being neglected by the very government that is supposed to provide education and protect.

This is not a covid virus issue. The financial picture that is preventing our children from being educated was in full swing before the virus struck and there were lock downs.

From the California State Department of Education:

The budget package demonstrates strong and ongoing support of high-quality public education in California. Total state expenditures for 2019–20 from all sources are projected to be $214.8 billion, including General Fund expenditures of $147.8 billion”. 

The $214 billion comes from the taxes you pay. Our children are NOT being educated CHILDREN ARE BEING ABUSED…yet YOU are being TAXED. This is TAXATION without REPRESENTATION.


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