THE DICTATOR HAS DOINK: California Governor Has Been Doinked


From Grievance 13, Chapter 2 New California State

In an interview with Fox News Chris Wallace President Donald Trump destroyed an attempt by the leftist reporter to tar him with the sins of the left. Chris Wallace is the son of Mike Wallace the famous leftist CBS reporter of 60 minutes fame and who is walking in his father’s footsteps as the leading leftist on Fox News.

President Trump brings up a major issue when asked about kids returning to school in the fall while liberal governors of several states including California have stated they will not open schools.

Gavin Newsom has been DOINKED!

In the case of the California dictator Governor he has pledged to keep schools closed even though the state constitution supersedes his authority and demands schools be open to educate students.

But little known to the public is that based on the non partisan Legislative Analyst Office the dictator governor is facing an $84,0000,0000,000.00 (billion) cash shortfall right now just to keep California open. Its estimated that should schools close the dictator will save $18 billion. Most people believe the dictator governor is looking for Trump to come up with the other $66 billion.

California has become a “habitual” state seeking bailouts over the years for its excessive spending habits. It started in the 1930s when California became the only state in the nation’s history to declare bankruptcy leaving the public, vendors etc without being paid. California’s 1930s bankruptcy became a federal issue which today prevents states from going bankrupt.

In 2001 California over spent to the tune of $19 billion and got a federal bail out.

In 2008 California over spent to the tune of $42 billion and got a federal bail out.

Now in 2020 California has over spent to the tune of $84 (LAO estimates) billion and and is hoping Trump will provide a federal bail out.

For those who saw the Chris Wallace interview with President Trump the President made it clear there would be NO money coming to states who do not open school for the fall.

“Schools have to open, young people have to go to school, and there’s problems when you don’t go to school”. “And there’s going to be a funding problem when they don’t open the schools, we’re not going to fund them, let the schools open”. This a very clear message to the California dictator that the President is thinking of the kids first while as you would suspect the dictator is only thinking about himself.

This is the moment in which the California dictator with his state budget is at the edge of the cliff. All that is needed is just a little “DOINK” push with the little finger to send California off the cliff and into financial insurrection. Its clear President Trump just provided the little finger.

What the President needs to do is arrest the California dictator, the former governor Jerry Brown along with the Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Nancy Pelosi who colluded and illegally put pressure on former federal officials to advantage themselves with federal dollars by way of the California state budgeting process.    

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