Dead bodies litter the beaches as Ecuador sees explosion in fatalities from the coronavirus – VIDEO

by: Mike Adams

(Natural News) A new video from the channel ZGoldenReport on shows a collection of gruesome scenes that include dead bodies littering the beaches of Ecuador as the coronavirus explodes out of control.

The video, found at this link, appears to depict dead bodies washing up on the beaches of Ecuador, most likely outside Guayaquil, the coastal city that has been hit the hardest by covid-19.

The video, narrated by ZGoldenReport, warns America this is what happens when societies don’t practice social distancing and sensible lockdowns. (Ecuador has been reluctant and slow to recommend aggressive lockdowns.)

Notably, thousands of Floridians flocked to Florida’s newly-reopened beaches last night and today, grossly violating basic precautions of social distancing and wearing masks. It won’t be long before some of those #FloridaMorons are dead, too.

The video appears to show the construction of mass graves in Ecuador in preparation for many thousands of dead bodies. While we could not confirm the origins of this video, it’s worth noting that I lived in Ecuador for two years and all the building architecture shown in the video is consistent with Ecuador. The clothes people are wearing, the shapes of their bodies and the vehicles depicted in the video are all consistent with Ecuador.

With many other media outlets reporting the shocking scale of the covid-19 tragedy in Guayaquil, it seems unlikely this video is a fake. As someone who lived in Ecuador, I can also assure you that Ecuador’s health care system is rudimentary at best. It is truly a third world infrastructure when it comes to medicine. And Guayaquil, in particular, is a chaotic city largely run by powerful criminal gangs and corrupt officials. (Bribery and corruption is rampant in Guayaquil, which is a key air and sea port for the importation of drugs and weapons, among other things.)

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1 thought on “Dead bodies litter the beaches as Ecuador sees explosion in fatalities from the coronavirus – VIDEO

  1. this ecuador article is FALSE. the picture is apparently from 2014! What actually happened is that the country has been in military martial law/lockdown since 3/16/20. you can only go out for food/pharmaceuticals/the bank. Drive x1/wk. if they catch you doing otherwise, $100 for the first offense, $400 for the second and then jail. the reality —- 80% of funeral homes closed in Guayaquil. people there die at home (and for lots of other reasons like unavailable treatment and natural causes) & unlike the US where people die in hospitals, nursing homes/hospices. NO ONE came to pick up the bodies despite repeated requests so eventually the people put them in the streets. And of course, the casket makers were not working either. After about a week of this, the army was called in and cardboard caskets/mass burials were provide. This is extremely poor, sensationalistic and false reporting by natural news unfortunately. there were NO reports in EC news of people on the beach. I read the local news online daily here in Cuenca.

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