Brown / Newsom California Depopulation

By Stephen Frank

Guv Brown, in 1975, set as a goal the depopulation of California.  He was a failure, during his first two terms as governor.  But, during his next two terms, he raised taxes and spending, regulations that killed jobs, set the stage for AB 5 to kill hundreds of thousands of jobs with just one bill.  Brown made sure the price of homes were so high as to cause people to leave the State or go homeless. Now Newsom has figured out another way to get people to leave the State—especially those in the Northwest—where Republicans still live.

“Residents in some of California’s most bucolic settings are stuck figuring it out on their own, rich and poor, urban and rural alike. While Fatula navigated his working-class community with generators in his pickup, NBA star LeBron James was forced to flee his estate near Los Angeles in the middle of the night, “driving around with my family trying to get rooms,” he said in a tweet.

“It’s a hardship you don’t expect to go through,” Fatula said. “I don’t want to beat people up over this because it’s a new territory that everybody is in, but we’ve asked a number of agencies for help and we’ve gotten a weak response.”

In the long-term, the state’s brightest minds have offered plenty of ideas: move power lines underground; microgrids; better forest management; no new homes in areas surrounded by desiccated hillsides. In the meantime, what wildfires and their accompanying blackouts mean is that every level of government in the most populated U.S. state is scrambling to govern with this reality.”

Would you build a factory or business in Butte County or move your family to Shasta County?  This stops growth.  Then you have the cost of fire insurance—if you can get it, and this area of California will become a wasteland, where people used to live.  It seems that every action by the Governor makes the problem worse, not better.  It is to his best political interest to kill off the counties north of Sacramento.  That is what it looks like.

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