Obama and Clinton Founded ISIS for the Globalist Trump Stops Them Cold



Alex Jones explains in great detail what President Trump has done by getting rid of Secretary of Defense Mattis and Chief of Staff Kelly.

The ISIS connection

On July 11, 2015 Agenda 21 Radio and Paul Preston presented “The Liberty Tour”, in which the critical issues facing the American Republic were addressed. Scott Bennett, U.S. Army Whistleblower and author of “SHELL GAME” spoke at this conference about his 2012 military whistleblowing report he and Brad Birkenfeld submitted to Congress, and Bennett’s relentless drive to communicate this information to the American people and the world through weekly international press interviews and debates about the Clinton Foundation’s role in Terrorist Financing through Swiss Bank Union Bank of Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and other Gulf Nations. Bennett’s reports provide the detailed evidence of a massive cover-up and treason, starting in 2009 when Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder conspired to imprison and silence Swiss Bank whistleblower Brad Birkenfeld–and hide his bank information from the military. Also guilty is President Barack Obama in hiding this matter from the military and the American people. In 2012, Bennett’s report sent shock waves throughout the military-industrial establishment and Congress, by showing the clear links between Saudi Arabian terrorist financiers, the CIA, the Clinton Foundation and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and others in the government. Shortly thereafter, Bennett’s colleague, Edward Snowden, fled the country…with Bennett’s report. Bennett’s report contained secret Wikileaks cables sent to him in prison that clearly established a conspiracy involving Attorney General Eric Holder, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, current Attorney General Loretta Lynch, and President Barack Obama himself in funneling millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation and offshore bank accounts, and aiding and abetting the ISIS terrorists against the United States and its coalition, as well as Russia, Iran, and China. This is where the money leads to in the Syrian- ISIS wars, the case for a new War Crimes Tribunal, and where President Trump must redeem the American blood which cries out from the ground.

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