Source: Whoopi Goldberg Told Judge Jeanine Pirro to ‘Get the F*** Out’ of ‘The View’


Whoopi Goldberg, co-host of ABC’s The View, threw Fox News host and author of Liars, Leakers, and Liberals: The Case Against the Anti-Trump Conspiracy, Judge Jeanine Pirro off the set of the show and allegedly told her to “get the f*** out of here” after a heated, off-camera exchange on the daytime show on Thursday.

“She’s never ever been treated with such disrespect in her whole career,”  a source that was present for the exchange which took place backstage after the show, told Breitbart News. “She’s fought for women, battered people, and justice. And to be treated that way is just awful.”



The conversation began to escalate during the second half of the show, when Pirro claimed that Goldberg had “Trump derangement syndrome,” to which Goldberg asked, “Are you talking to me?”. Pirro said, “Yes.”

“Listen, I don’t have Trump derangement [syndrome],” Goldberg shot back. “Let me tell you what I have. I’m tired of people starting a conversation with, ‘Mexicans are liars and rapists.”

She continued, “I’m 62-years-old. There have been a lot of people in office that I haven’t agreed with. But I have never, ever seen anything like this. I have never seen anybody whip up such hate. I have never seen anybody be so dismissive.”

Goldberg then transitioned into discussing “the deep state,” asking Pirro, “One of the things that you talk about a lot, and I’m curios about it, is the deep state. How long has the deep state been there? And who’s running it?”

Pirro said she wanted to answer Goldberg’s question, but wanted to address her earlier statement first.

“You know what’s horrible?” Pirro asked Goldberg, speaking through interruptions. “When people who shouldn’t be here end up murdering the children of American citizens. What’s horrible is we have sanctuary cities.”

Goldberg responded, “What is horrible is when the president of the United States whips up people to beat the hell out of people!”

“No, No,” Pirro said.

“Say goodbye, honey. Bye. I’m done,” Goldberg said to applause from the audience.

One of the co-hosts then proceeded to end the segment. Pirro turned to Goldberg and said “wow!”

The source told Breitbart News that Goldberg had stormed off stage after she said, “I’m done,” but that was not shown on TV. Instead, the audience viewing from home saw a cover of Pirro’s book.

Meanwhile, backstage, the exchange allegedly intensified.

“Pirro then said, you know, I’ve been fighting for justice my whole life and for women. And then Whoopi is screaming in her face and saying, ‘F*** you! Get the f*** out of here!’” the source told Breitbart News.

“Pirro then said, “Did you just tell me to get the fuck out of here?” Whoopi said, “Yes!” Pirro and her team then left.

Adelle Nazarian is a politics and national security reporter for Breitbart News. Follow her on Facebook and Twitter.


Leftist Dialogue – Only Our View Will Prevail:

Lets start with a question – Has the television program “The View” been cancelled yet? The recent exposing of Whoopi Goldberg for the fraud that she is can be seen as the door opening to the door closing on what might have been an interesting collection of people yacking about subjects du jour.
The reality of the need for marxist views to dominate reared its ugly head in the personage of the only black on the team. And what you saw was a combination of privilege, ego, race hatred, leftist ideology, and in the end the reality of how the totalitarians would treat We The People if the original notions of the Constitution were applied equally to all. Only marxists have rights to their own opinions it would appear and any appearance of authority in opinion that differs must be crushed.

Judge Janine Piro did not make her way through the levels of academia, journalism, broadcasting, and opining effectively on camera, without clearing very high bars set by those who did not necessarily warm up to the idea of a woman doing so. She waded through the muck like all aspiring women and gained populism on her own merits of intelligence, courage and hard work. Whoopi Goldberg is an intelligent woman actress with her own story that should not be ignored. What we were introduced to however was almost out of control bigotry on the part of Whoopi who lay in wait like a rattlesnake looking for movement to strike at. She laid claim to her right to attack. Forty years ago there might have been justification for that “right”. Today we can see that arrogance is not the same as justice and Whoopi exposed herself as the kind of bigot that the white race has been apologizing and making amends for, for two generations.

My hope is that out of this horror Americans will see the truth of what the totalitarian left really are and will respond by giving no ground to them, seeking those that believe in this anti-American stance and ridding our nation of their influence on a medium that has amazing influence over the generations to come. Did I enjoy viewing this outrage on the tv screen? No, but I think that it was a turning point for a very accepting nation that is being shocked into a realization of what the marxists in media are really all about. Control.

– Dr. Jim Garrow –

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