Gavin Newsom Tying John Cox to Trump May Help Cox



California governor’s primary winner Democrat Gavin Newsom’s attempt to tie runner-up John Cox to President Trump may help the Republican to continue his surge.

Democrat Newsom was lauded by the Los Angeles Times for running a “brilliant campaign, aided by relative youth (50), good looks and charm” to win the California governor’s primary with 33 percent of the vote.

Times campaign finance analysis revealed that Newson, who started his campaign two-years ago with high identity as Lt. Governor, spent $9.8 million in cash between the April 22 and May 19 period covered by the fundraising reports to grow his primary vote from 21 percent in mid-May USC Dornsife poll. That works out to about a 50 percent bump.

But the primary election genius was businessman and first-time candidate John Cox, with no name recognition and starting his campaigning last year, spent only $4 million to spike from third place with just 10 percent support in the USC Dornsife mid-May poll to make the run-off with 26 percent of the vote. That works out to jaw-dropping 140 percent spike.

Cox picked up Donald Trump’s endorsement on May 18, when the of President tweeted, “California finally deserves a great Governor, one who understands borders, crime and lowering taxes. John Cox is the man — he’ll be the best Governor you’ve ever had.”

KQED reported that Newsom beamed with pride after his victory, claiming the election will be a great opportunity to contrast visions. To adoring progressives in San Francisco, Newsom said he intended to tie Republican John Cox as a “foot soldier” in President Trump’s tax, immigration and deregulation policies that amount to “war in California.”

Newsom reassured his Democrat social-justice warrior base of a willingness to do the right thing and fight against repealing the $52 billion gas tax and vehicle registration fee that Republican Cox supports. Newsom bellowed: “You know it’s $5 billion a year. It’s one of the biggest complaints I get is infrastructure and the state roads and bridges that are falling apart. And if we want to repeal it, then it’s going to cost our infrastructure.”

With President Trump’s backing, Cox defeated heavily funded contender and Democrat former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, who only received 13 percent of the primary vote. The upset was so unpredicted, the Sacramento Bee asked, “Who is John Cox?

The media has reported extensively on UC Berkeley Institute of Government Studies polling that California voters have overwhelming negative views of President Trump. According to IGS’ May Day poll, 67 percent of California voters disapprove of the job Donald Trump doing overall, while just 31 percent approve. IGS found disapproval is highest regarding handling of the environment and 72 percent handling race.

But the San Francisco Chronicle on May 22 warned “Trump’s Rising Popularity is Bad News for Dems in California” had caused the predicted “Blue Wave” to fade that was supposed to sweep what is left of the California Republican Party into the trash bin of history. The Chronicle suggested that President Trump’s strong handling of the economy is the most important measure of job performance to voters.

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