Stormy Daniels’ ‘Super’ Dilated Pupils Spark Accusations She Was High On Meds For ‘60 Minutes’ Interview



“Health reporter tweet here. Why are Stormy Daniels’ pupils so dilated in that bright room? AC’s aren’t. Ok carry on,” St. Louis Post-Dispatch health and science reporter Blythe Bernhard asked.

Health reporter tweet here. Why are Stormy Daniels’ pupils so dilated in that bright room? AC’s aren’t. Ok carry on.

“Off topic- but Stormy Daniels’ pupils look completely dilated,” noted  WGN Morning News anchor Lauren Jiggetts.

 has giant pupils,” tweeted Fox 26 reporter Mike Iscovitz.

“Y’all.  pupils look suuppppper dilated, right?” writer Lauren Modery tweeted.

“I can’t see what color Stormy Daniels eyes are bc her pupils are so big,” chided journalist Alix Bryan.

 lack of embellishments made her story seem credible to me. However, I highly doubt her motive for the interview was to clear her a porn star..your name is already kinda [sh*t] hence the name change. Also what was with her extremely dilated pupils?” journalist Lidia Curana tweeted.

Accusations of drug/medication use then followed.

But first, Gizmodo explains why one’s eye become dilated due to drug use:

Pupil dilation, what’s also referred to as mydriasis, happens when one of two muscle groups become activated, namely the iris sphincter (yes, that’s what it’s called) and the iris dilator. The sphincter response is triggered by the parasympathetic nervous system (what regulates our autonomic bodily processes when we’re at rest), and the dilator by the sympathetic nervous symptom (what controls physiological responses requiring a quick response — like fight-or-flight).

Needless to say, psychotropic drugs can have a profound effect on both of these systems.

Depending on the type of drug taken, therefore, either muscle group can become engaged. Essentially, if a drug can trigger a parasympathetic or sympathetic response, there’s a good chance that it will also impact on pupil dilation. Specifically, mydriasis can be caused by stimulants and any drug that influences the adrenal glands — what can trigger certain parasympathetic responses.

“What’s up with this floozy Stormy Daniels’ massively dilated pupils during her 60 Minutes interview?” Youtuber Mark Dice asked.

“Why didn’t Anderson Cooper ask Stormy Daniels if she was coked up during that 60 Minutes interview? Pupils this dilated are not normal,” Dice added.

“Pupils tend to constrict due to the bright lights used for TV interviews. Stormy Daniels Pupils vs Her Lawyer’s vs Anderson Cooper’s. Interesting.”

“.@60Minutes Stormy Daniels’ pupils are so large, even with bright lights in her face, you can’t see her iris’s. Can you say “medication?” tweeted author Montgomery Ganger.

It’s the first thing I notice. was probably high as a kite. Pupils don’t lie, but she does more easily when she’s on something. Cooper and .@60Minutes are complicit in the cover-up of Ms. Daniels’ condition.

Casting director Jen Euston wondered if blue contact lenses were the culprit.

“. I don’t think she is wearing contacts because in other photos they showed she had blue eyes, but her pupils are much smaller. I observed the same thing. :),” Twitter user Mila Cusumano chimed in.

Observation: Stormy Daniels pupils are large and dilated. Is she wearing blue contact lenses?

. I don’t think she is wearing contacts because in other photos they showed she had blue eyes, but her pupils are much smaller. I observed the same thing. 🙂

Actress Sarah Thyre suggested to Euston that adderall could be why Daniels’ pupils are so dilated.

“Maybe. very strange bc you know she has a huge light on her in the interview. Anderson’s are normal,”  Euston replied.

Watching 60 minutes interview . Wish I could believe her, but the girl is high AF. Her pupils are huge even under tv camera lights. Disappointing

@StormyDaniels Do you have ADHD & on adderol or just recreating on another amphetamine? Your pupils are 3x larger than Anderson Coopers with the same direct lighting. Cant even tell the color of your eyes, theyre so big! Not being sarcastic, just curious.

I’m not the only one that noticed the pupil size of Stormy @StormyDaniels compared to @AC360 She is obviously on Drugs during the interview. 60 minutes

Stormy Daniels is on some sort of “medication” in her interview with Cooper. Pupils are dilated. I think she’s telling the truth but it’s an odd look.

Any coincidence there running a bipolar medication commercial after during Stormy Daniels interview? Why does She have glaucoma test pupils?

Stormy Daniels pupils were NOT normal in interview…watch closely, which drug was she on?

I assume you’re referring to on her interview? ANYONE who knows ANYTHING about stimulants, KNOWS she was as high as possible! AND, even MORE troubling? She didn’t seem like it other than her pupils. Which means ONE thing! She’s NOT credible & a JUNKIE! 

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