Tom Steyer is no fan of President Donald Trump.

In fact, he wants him impeached. And he wants you to help him.

And if you’ve caught the 60-second spot the billionaire, liberal activist has had plastered all over cable news for the last month or so pitching that very cause, then you’ve probably gotten that message loud and clear.

In a series of shifting images, Steyer, a hedge fund billionaire and maybe U.S. Senate candidate in California, lays out the bill of particulars.

Trump, he says, has “brought us to the brink of nuclear war; obstructed justice at the FBI; and in direct violation of the Constitution, he’s taken money from foreign governments and threatened to shut down news organizations that report the truth.

Then the camera cuts to Steyer, dressed simply in blue shirt sleeves, asking, “If that isn’t the case for impeaching and removing a dangerous president, then what has our government become?”

He continues: “I’m Tom Steyer, and I’m a citizen, and like you I know it’s up to us to do something,” Steyer, dressed simply in blue shirt sleeves says in the spot. “And that’s why I’m funding this effort to raise our voices together and demand that elected officials take a stand on impeachment.

“A Republican Congress once impeached a president for far less,” Steyer says in an apparent reference to the 1998 impeachment of former President Bill Clinton. “Yet today, people in Congress and his own administration know that this president is a clear and present danger.”

So just who is this guy?Well, as noted above, he’s a hedge fund billionaire, the Democratic Party’s biggest donor, and a maybe U.S. Senate candidate in California, as The Los Angeles Times reports.

He’s also putting his money where his mouth is, putting $20 million of his own money into a petition drive demanding that Democrats (who don’t have a majority in the House of Representatives, where any impeachment proceeding would start) put impeachment front and center this year, and make it a primary issue of the 2018 campaign.

Trump, as you might expect, didn’t take that well. The president has referred to Steyer as “wacky” and “totally unhinged,” on his favored medium – Twitter.

Public opinion is currently on Steyer’s side. An Oct. 31 Public Policy poll had support for impeachment at an all time high, with 49 percent in favor. But 41 percent of respondents also opposed such an action, the poll found.

Here’s Steyer on Bloomberg News further arguing the case for impeachment:

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