Scott Bennett: Overlooked Evidence in Las Vegas and Paddock Photos


BY Scott Bennett

Let me start out by saying that there was a video on YOUTUBE (Oct 2, 2017, under the name DANA WELLS, titled: “Las Vegas Shooting Fraud: Audience members down front not buying in”) that is the SMOKING GUN of the Las Vegas event and is the most important piece of evidence.   

This video  was removed, but before it was, I made a still capture and have pasted it below with red arrows showing the muzzle flashes of two shooters. 

One shooter appears to be firing an automatic weapon, evidenced by a long constant muzzle flashing that lasted for over 6 seconds; a second shooter directly above the first one, about 2-3 floors straight up, who fired a 3-shot burst (which I recognized because it flashed three times in quick succession)—which is a setting in military M-4 and M-16 rifles.


I believe I found some previously undiscovered/unnoticed elements of the two photos below.  I’ve studied them up close, highly increased in size.  Here are my findings:

1) Photo of Stephen Paddock and Filipino girl on his arm:  Notice Paddock has no eyebrows.  His left ear is an ATTACHED LOBE–the lower lobe is attached to the jaw without any hanging or line/wrinkle in the middle (compare with autopsy/suicide photo). His eyelids have a strange dark shadow for half an inch; and their is a strange scar or white mark on the inside of the left eye on the high point of the nose. 

MOUTH:  On the left side of Paddock’s mouth may be a line of alcohol that dripped down his chin and neck.  He may have been very drunk in this picture, which fits his “unkempt” or slovenly appearance or bearing. This may explain the image of “13” on the Adam’s apple area.  I don’t believe there is a tattoo there as it wouldn’t be that faded–and again he doesn’t appear to be that sort. (There would be other tattoos on the face/neck if there was one on the throat.  This “13” may also have been photo-shopped in to produce the illusion of gang connection.)

GREEN LIGHT:  In the photo of Paddock with the girl, there is a blue light field in the background above Paddock’s right side; and there is a green light distortion outlining his skull against the blue light. This distortion may indicate some computer alteration. It may also be natural and a green light next to a blue light in a bar area of the hotel (for there seems to be glasses/bottles lit up below these blue-green fields).  


2) Suicide photo of head, chest with blood pool and bullets and revolver:  The shell casings on Paddock’s lower right in the photo appear to be BLANKS. If you magnify them, there appears to be the typical blank tip. One casing in particular is lying on a streak of gray carpet, allowing a clearer analysis of the casing and tip. When I was in Army training, we fired blanks in our weapons many times, and this shell casing looks like a blank. They are characterized as a long cylinder/casing with a tip that is closed in a star-like tip. When fired, the tip explodes the charge out, but the tip remains. On these spent charges, the tip remains.  If they were real bullets, there would be simply a case with a large cavity where the projectile fired from.

CO2 CASING:  There appears in the blood pool directly above his head a CO2 casing (and a second slightly to the left on the clean gray carpet above his head).  These CO2 cannisters are the kinds that are used in PELLET/BB guns. On one end, they have a rounded bottom that gives them the appearance of a torpedo; the other end is a flat tip that is pierced through by the gun’s needle.

RIGHT ARM:  There appears to be a bullet hole on Paddock’s right arm/shoulder area. A distinct blood line seems to come out of a hole and trail down in a zig-zag “s” shape. 

BLOOD TRAIL TO GUN:  There is a blood trail of spots leading from the revolver’s handle down to the larger blood puddle that is faded into the carpet on Paddock’s right side. If this gun was used for his suicide, then it would not be thrown up above his head nor would it have a blood trail of spots. It would have fallen down to his belly area.

CONCLUSION: The positioning of the body in the room was staged in ignorance of basic elements of the weapons and shell casings being used, which suggests it was not done by persons with military background and training. The use of blanks and the CO2 casings as well as the location of the handgun indicate that this was no suicide but appears to be a homicide instead with the intention of framing the patsy for a crime he did not commit.

Scott Bennett, a former US Army intel and psyops officer, published SHELL GAME (2014) to expose the financing behind 9/11. He hosts the show, “Shell Games”, on M/W/F from 8-10 PM/ET.

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