Democrats Try to Rig Elections to Target San Diego, Last CA GOP Stronghold


California Democrats are trying to rig another set of elections, pushing a bill that will tilt elections in favor of Democrats in San Diego, the last bastion of Republican dominance in Southern California.

The San Diego Union Tribune reports:

The bill by Assemblyman Todd Gloria, D-San Diego, would allow for a charter amendment that would require races for county offices to be determined in the November general election, regardless of the results in the June primary. The bill only applies to San Diego County.

Currently, politicians can be elected into those offices if they receive more than 50 percent of the vote in the primary. But if the charter is amended as authorized by Gloria’s bill, the top-two candidates in the primary will face each other in the November general election regardless of the primary outcome.

Pushing all countywide elections to the November general election will force campaigns to last longer and cost more, even if there is a clear winner after the primary under the current rules.  This change will also give Democrats a strong advantage over Republicans, because Democrats turn out in larger numbers in general elections.

Even though county offices are supposedly nonpartisan, this bill will only affect San Diego County, where all the county supervisors are Republicans.

California Democrats — who enjoy the backing of powerful public sector unions — have been working overtime to the rig election process to favor Democrats in cities, counties, and targeted districts across the state.

This bill, should it become law, will affect every countywide post, including all five county supervisors seats, and the county sheriff; district attorney; treasurer; tax collector; board of education; and clerk, who also acts as assessor and recorder.

Gloria echoes claims that Democrats made last year in their successful attempt to force all elections in the city of San Diego to the November general election: “This bill allows the county charter in San Diego to be changed so that the voices of more voters can be heard in the selection of their county leaders,” he reportedly told the Tribune.

Gloria also notes that the bill will eliminate any voter confusion created by the move last year to push all city elections to the general election, even if a candidate wins the primary by a landslide.

Opponents of the bill, including the lobbyist for San Diego County, claim the legislation is completely unnecessary, since existing law already allows the county charter to be amended, but the local process involves going to the county voters directly, not the Democrat-dominated state legislature.

Tim Donnelly is a former California State Assemblyman and Author, currently on a book tour for his new book: Patriot Not Politician: Win or Go Homeless.  He also ran for governor in 2014.


Twitter:  @PatriotNotPol


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