Here’s the George Soros, Warren Buffett Globalist Cash Sales Gal for the State of Jefferson. Meet Susan Marshall, the California Public Pension Fund Queen at Barings. She and her husband, Richard, the San Francisco Real Estate and Water Broker, live in Fort Jones, pretending to be goat ranchers. They are some of Mark Baird’s closest allies — they helped him found his State of Jefferson Formation movement in Siskiyou County.

FROM THE BOOK: The Legacy Plan – Averting the Great Water War


Chapter 24 – The Indictments: Susan Marshall is the global financial player
Big North State Water Investment is a California Pension Fund Dream Come True

Let’s take a moment to think about the biggest, best, long-term investment that the California pension funds could possibly make. Of course, that’s water and water infrastructure in the north state with the end consumer in the south part of the state. It makes perfectly good sense.

In fact, CalPERS, the state pension fund, is investing millions in “water banks” — getting paid whenever someone puts water in or takes water out of the “water bank.” [article link below] It’s a racket. In previous chapters, I got into eight times the amount of water in the San Joaquin Valley has been sold on paper than they actually have flowing. It’s called paper water.

How could it all work, who would want something like this and then who enforces the program?

State agencies destroy north state farming and ranching, making willing sellers out of independently owned and operated family farms. While the family farm goes belly up, local government must beg for state grants to comply with increasing regulations as the tax base erodes. Local government then becomes unable to defend their constituents from centralized governance that is unconstitutional and openly corrupt.

State agency employees enforce openly corrupt and unconstitutional policies that are directly tied to their own pension funds. Our water is their pension fund and a huge long term investment. Thus, policy makers and employees have a financial interest in your water, however, your rights stand in the way. First they have to sucker folks into giving away their rights and falling in and behind the wrong leadership.

Scott Valley Water Trust and Shasta River Water Trust are water banks, with a sinister twist due to our solid, historic water rights. [websites below]

Globalist investors Warren Buffett, whose Pacific Power owns the dams on the Klamath River, and George Soros are public pension fund cash kings. They are rolling in the cash.

Public pension cash in California is going to finance new water bank projects, according to an article in Sacramento Bee. [article link below]

Richard and Susan Marshall have tried to create an image that they are against dam removal on the Klamath River and are founding supporters of Mark Baird’s State of Jefferson Formation movement.

Actually, Richard and Susan are more likely to line up with whatever will make George Soros and Warren Buffett the most money, because they will make the most in commissions from pushing the globalist agenda.

In this reality, Mrs. Finicum walked into Richard and Susan Marshall’s home for a gracious and superlative dinner. Mrs. Finicum got the chance to meet the dynamic duo Susan and Richard Marshall, Siskiyou’s power brokers. The very symbol of rural resistance to centralized tyranny had a special supper made in her and her late husband honor, prepared by public pension fund financial power broker Susan Marshall.

The person to protect Mrs. Finicum, the widow of slain, some say assasinated LaVoy Finicum, was local sovereign citizen journalist Liz Bowen. Mrs. Finicum had no idea who Richard and Susan Marshall truly are and what they represent. Liz Bowen knows Richard and Susan. She knows their history. She knows who they represent. She knows they fraudulently sued the Town of Fort Jones. We lived through it together.

Let’s not pretend history is something other than it is. It is what it is.

I consider Liz Bowen to be pretty much the last one standing in the sovereign citizen group which met at the cafe that blew up on Main Street in Fort Jones.

Yes, the group made up of Philip Frase, Patty Joseph, Mike Bispo, Jim Slaven and Liz Bowen.

You may consider Philip Frase, the on-again-off-again suspect/defendant in the Patty Joseph murder, to be still standing, as he is spotted around town. He’s not.

You may consider Mike Bispo still standing. He’s not — he’s currently getting young 14-year-old girls high on heroin and destroying our local lives. He needs to be removed from further destruction.

Liz Bowen taught sovereign citizen classes, as a sovereign citizen expert. Liz is not an unknown quantity and makes for the perfect entree for the financial elite to enter the world of grassroots activism.

We aren’t going to rewrite history. This is the Liz Bowen I employed as a journalist, the woman I chose to cover my very public trial.

Richard and Susan Marshall aren’t sovereign citizens. If they are, they have been able to snooker the biggest political players in the state. I do not see Susan Marshall as some super-secret double-agent fighting for the common man with dirt under her nails from hard, long days of work. She actually represents the interests of the guys with polished and trimmed finger nails smoking fine cigars as they pull the levers of power from behind the smokescreen of Sacramento politics. Sovereign citizen sympathizers or financial elite?

Richard Marshall is part of William Randolph Hearst’s cult-like secret organization The Family club in San Francisco. Sovereign citizen sympathizer or financial elite?
[The Family Club link below]

Richard Marshall, by virtue of the position and cause he created, would also be an ideal candidate for the FBI’s citizen group of informants, Infragard. Sovereign citizen sympathizer or financial elite?
[Infragard link below]

I detailed the above in the previous chapter.

Neither of these organizations would align with a sovereign citizen, other than to use them. Sovereign citizen sympathizer or financial elite?

Susan Marshall has gained an inside view to the inner workings of those minds leading the rebellion of rural freedom. She is a familiar face at meetings in which local folk voice their concerns and anger with the State of California.

Susan Marshall proudly carries the State of Jefferson flag in her goat roper uniform.

Susan actually is the Vice President of Sales for Baring Asset Management in San Francisco, otherwise known as Barings. She sells investment opportunities to the California public pension funds, as well as jetting around to numerous other state pension funds. Sovereign citizen sympathizer or financial elite?

Barings made its mark on the world during the Napoleonic Wars, becoming the top merchant bank in the leading economic nation, although Rothschilds’ various branches possibly were worth more pounds and francs and marks. Yet Barings was considered to be the leading bank in the world, hence being called the sixth power after Britain, France, Prussia, Austria and Russia. Sovereign citizen sympathizer or financial elite?

She’s the one the financial brokerage firm sends to update various state public pension fund boards on the status of their investments. As Senior Vice President, she attends board meetings with the sales people under her — she’s the big boss. She’s the public pension fund sales queen.

Richard and Susan Marshall

Susan Marshall was brought in by Barings in 2000, after spending 19 years with Allied Irish Banks’ AIB Govett.

Again, Susan Marshall hangs out with folk who despise the state of California, yet, she invests the state’s public pension fund. A very large fund of very well connected money. Very well connected.

On the one hand, she’s making a bunch of cash working with the biggest financial dogs in California, yet, hob nobs as a goat woman here locally blending in, getting the catbird seat into the west’s most critical lucrative investment asset — water from the State of Jefferson region.

One must wonder if her financial interests to California’s mega public pension fund are on board with the old State of Jefferson, local water rights and all those issues.

Maybe the best investment for the state’s public pension fund is developing or financing water infrastructure to ship our water south. Well that’s a reasonable assumption one might guess as her husband Richard has become the overlord of the water end of things. The Marshalls, a dynamic duo gaining the trust of the local folk and becoming intimately involved with water and politics in what is the center of the board for water in the west. Sovereign citizen sympathizers or financial elite?

The mammoth political power of the public pension fund, especially in California, is unquestionable. About as powerful as it gets. It has the ability to influence politics to destroy small farms and ranches and communities all to gain our resources.

So, one might simply ask do people like Finicum and others who seek to live off the land have a bunch in common, as in special interests, with those folks who seek large investment opportunities in our water? You see, if you’re moving billions of dollars into investments small land holders and rights holders make it nearly impossible.

Is Susan Marshall looking after our water rights when she meets with her clients, the governing boards for public pension funds for the State of California, and updates her public pension funds on their investments?

Susan Marshall isn’t a sovereign citizen sympathizer, nor a State of Jefferson freedom and liberty lover. Susan’s beholden to globalist cash through public pension funds.

Are federal prosecutors taking note?

How connected is Susan Marshall with public pension funds? Let’s go through just a few of the public pension fund board minutes to see where Susan Marshall jet-setted to update her pension funds on their investments.

I sent an email to both Richard and Susan asking for an interview regarding public pension funds and water banks. Neither have responded.

Next: Chapter 25 Jet Setting with Public Pension Fund Queen Susan Marshall and State of Jefferson Formation’s Juris Coordinator Mark Baird — I know, he made up that title and there is no such thing

Further Reading:

Why CalPERS is pouring millions into a Southern California water deal
BY DALE KASLER The Sacramento Bee…/water-and-dro…/article138540373.html

Scott Valley Water Trust

Shasta River Water Trust…/projects/shasta-river-water-trust/

William Randolph Hearst’s Family club in San Francisco…

Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Infragard

Baring Asset Management

CHAPTER 1 — I don’t simply just walk in

CHAPTER 2 The water deception begins to unravel

CHAPTER 3 Water and what?
CHAPTER 4 Great Water War begins

CHAPTER 5 Our view of water
CHAPTER 6 Who physically should own the water right?

CHAPTER 7 The 40 Thieves
CHAPTER 8 The cast of characters

CHAPTER 9 Too many cookie jars
CHAPTER 10 The Legacy Plan

CHAPTER 11 The truth boldly stands tall

CHAPTER 12 The simple, real problem — a MUST READ for every water right holder in Scott Valley and Shasta Valley

CHAPTER 13 I know what’s coming next –Those I write about know what’s coming too

CHAPTER 14 The Indictments — Nothing to Prove Here, Our New State Won’t Show Us

CHAPTER 15 The Indictments — Please don’t tarnish the brilliant brand of the Great State of Jefferson

CHAPTER 16 The Indictments
State of Jefferson Water Rights Protection will Die for Lack of a Governor

Chapter 17 The Indictments
Immunity? Seriously?
Is there immunity if Mark Baird’s State of Jefferson contract is bogus?

Chapter 18 The Indictments
Introducing Richard and Susan Marshall, the bon vivant goat ranchers of Fort Jones

Chapter 19 The Firestorm with Richard and Susan Marshall

EXTRA: Why did Mark Baird’s plaintiff in federal lawsuit send this letter?
Why did Mark Baird place the Shasta Nation as a plaintiff if he received a copy of this letter several years ago?

Chapter 20 The Indictments
Richard and Susan Marshall’s reaction is the indictment
A tale of two water tanks
Fort Jones strong-armed by real estate agent — coughs up $16k settlement – and it might not be over

Chapter 21 The Indictments
Take my name off, these are their words
The Real Richard Marshall

Chapter 22 The Indictments
Take off the costumes, they aren’t one of us

CHAPTER 23 The Indictments: Richard Marshall is intertwined in a world of powerful secret organizations and global financial interests — we are the pawns for his retirement plan, and, no, it’s not a 401K

Daniel Webster is solutions oriented. He finds solutions for problems.
Daniel Webster received his Juris Doctor from Western State University College of Law, in Fullerton, Calif., where he served as president of the Student Bar Association. He was awarded the American Jurisprudence Award for California Property Law, Torts, Constitutional Law, Professional and Moral Responsibility and Legal Writing. He was inducted into the Peter M Elliott American Inn of Court.
In the mid-1980s, Mr. Webster was chosen to launch one of Apple Computer’s first ten university bookstore test locations at Biola University to sell their new Macintosh. It was a success for the new tech company. Mr. Webster sold the original Apple Macintosh model and had a pre-Mac Lisa on his desk as well.
Daniel Webster has always been solutions oriented, coming up with results-based projects to bring about the necessary marketing and technology impacts for his large corporate clients, such as Hughes Corporation, Rand Corporation, ARCO, Hilton and DirecTV.
He was the editor and publisher of the Pioneer Press in Northern California – the heart of the State of Jefferson. Mr. Webster served as president of his Student Body Association at his alma mater Etna High School, in Etna, Calif. Webster did undergraduate work at Biola University, in La Mirada, Calif., with majors in Business Administration, Systems Analysis and Bible, as well as DeVry Institute of Technology.
Mr. Webster currently publishes Scott Valley News, Yreka News, Siskiyou News, Mount Shasta News, Northern California News, Medford Oregon News, Klamath Falls Oregon News and State of Jefferson on Facebook.
The Legacy Plan – Averting The Great Water War, By Daniel Webster
Copyright 2014, 2017 by Daniel Webster
Published By
Daniel Webster

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