California Democrats: Bill by Bill We Are Separating From the United States



California lawmakers are talking about doing for their state’s new marijuana industry what they are also trying to do for illegal immigrants: create a sanctuary state where local police are ordered not to cooperate with federal authorities.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions is the man who has the power to unleash enforcement of the federal anti-marijuana law that could shut down the multibillion marijuana industry in California and every other state where smoking weed for the fun of it is legal.

“I do believe you will see greater enforcement of it,” said White House press secretary Sean Spicer during a White House press briefing in answer to a question about the Trump administration’s stance on legal marijuana.

Sessions said a month later that he didn’t see any need to deviate from the Obama administration’s Cole Memorandum on how the federal government should deal with states that legalized pot. However, lawmakers in California and Colorado decided not to take any chances.

Half a dozen Democrats in Sacramento are backing preemptive action to block the Trump administration from wrecking fledgling marijuana industries with the same tactic being used to protect illegal immigrants: setting up their states as “sanctuary states” for pot production and consumption.

Setting up California as a state where marijuana growers and consumers are protected from federal law is not a new idea.

Proponents of a similar pack of legislation, to establish Colorado as a sanctuary state for marijuana, failed to win approval for the bill as the legislative session came to an end in May.

The Associated Press reported  the Colorado Senate rejected legislation, which had been approved by the House, that would have prevented public employees in the state from “arresting a Colorado citizen for committing an act that is a Colorado constitutional right.”

Opponents in the Senate called the legislation “confusing.” That was enough to kill it.


The Democrats in Sacramento have decided to use cops to protect criminals from foreign countries to stop arrests by Feds.  The Democrats have made sure that illegal aliens get free education, from Kindergarten through college—and special privileges, like housing, food stamps and safe places.  We know that illegal aliens get all the benefits of citizens, without the responsibility—while violating our Federal laws.

Now we find that Democrats are looking to give drug dealers and sellers protection from the Federal government—Sacramento wants to stop Washington from enforcing the drugs laws in California.  At what point does California demand an end to Statehood, or do they just announce we are no longer part of the United States—but keep giving us money to protect the corruption of California.

“Half a dozen Democrats in Sacramento are backing preemptive action to block the Trump administration from wrecking fledgling marijuana industries with the same tactic being used to protect illegal immigrants: setting up their states as “sanctuary states” for pot production and consumption.

Setting up California as a state where marijuana growers and consumers are protected from federal law is not a new idea.

Proponents of a similar pack of legislation, to establish Colorado as a sanctuary state for marijuana, failed to win approval for the bill as the legislative session came to an end in May.

Lost the first time—expect a last minute late at night amendment to a bill at the end of session—and California will be protecting illegal aliens and drug dealers.

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