There are two documents that have served as the basis for the United States of America. The Bible and the Constitution. Both are powerful documents that have provided freedom, prosperity, and stability for not just the United States but the world. In the last 100 years both have come under attack by those world forces who wish to see the destruction of America.

Liberty Tour V focused on the power of American Citizens in the document inspired by the Bible that our Founding Fathers used to develop the Constitution and our God Given Rights.

Participants will learn the value of the Constitution in an era in which it is being attacked and why it is more important than ever to know the Consitution and hold those who sear an oath to protect and defend the ‘Constitution’.

Participants will be given the knowledge to use the Constitution as the Founding Fathers had envisioned and how to take this knowledge back to their communities and teach their fellow citizens to power behind the Constitution.

AGENDA 21 RADIO is Committed to Freedom and the Constitution


Focusing on the power for

“We The People” in knowing our U.S. Constitution

Learn the value of the U. S. Constitution and why it is more important than ever to understand it and to hold those who swear an oath to protect and defend it accountable.


Focusing on the power for

“We The People” in knowing our U.S. Constitution

Special Guest Speakers:

Jeanette Finicum

Widow of Lavoy Finicum

Christopher Monckton, 3rd Viscount Monckton of Brenchley

UK Independence Party, A Brit who’s a Constitutional Activist

Other Speakers:

Paul Preston

Agenda 21 Radio Host

Pastor David Whitney

Sr. Instructor – Institute on the Constitution

Scott Bennett

Former Army Counter Intelligence Officer, 11th Psychological Operations Battalion Whistleblower

Chriss Street

Journalist/Writer Breitbart News & Co-Host of Agenda 21 Radio

David Collins

Co-Leader Northern California Chapter of IOTC & Class Facilitator

Robert Thomas

IOTC Class Facilitator



OCTOBER 28th & 29th, 2016

Church of Glad Tidings

1179 Eager Rd, Live Oak, CA

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