Soros becomes the kiss of death for his own handpicked DA candidates


By Monica Showalter

Is Soros money becoming the kiss of death for candidates who take it?  Sure looks like it, based on the miserable poll performance of Soros’s little pawn in the San Diego district attorney’s race.

According to the San Diego Union-Tribune:

A political action committee funded by billionaire George Soros that has pumped hundreds of thousands of dollars into the campaign of Genevieve Jones-Wright for district attorney canceled all of its planned television advertising Wednesday for the candidate, just six days before voters go to the polls.

The move by the California Justice & Public Safety PAC, confirmed by two local television station managers, is a blow to the Jones-Wright campaign in the run-up to election day.  The PAC had been running saturation-level television advertisements for the past several weeks over county airwaves.

The money-yanking is clearly the result of polls showing that Genevieve Jones-Wright, his 30-something handpicked candidate, is failing miserably in the polls against her opponent, Summer Stephan, another leftist who is no prize but doesn’t take Soros money and probably will enforce the law at least some of the time, when there’s no political risk.

A scientific poll conducted by 10News and the San Diego Union-Tribune shows that Stephan has a 45-25 lead over Jones-Wright.

The collapse, according to analysts cited, happened in the past two weeks.  A scary Soros ad ran right about that time pointing out that Jones-Wright was a political unknown with no experience and was financed by Soros through his front groups to advance the Soros agenda.  She actually did take $400,000 from these groups, and the ad just stated the facts.  The ad can be viewed here.

Soros, remember, had this master plan to take over district attorney offices in key cities across America and seed them with his hand-picked anti-law enforcement candidates.  The plan was to get people in office who would let crooks out of jail to effectively reduce the quality of life for the middle-class law-abiding people he has such a problem with.  The stateless statesman is a big fan of the lawless state.  It’s part of his entire “open society” agenda, meaning zero consequences for lawbreakers in the name of “social justice,” all to break down the state to Venezuelan-level disintegration, where law means literally nothing and politics is paramount.  What Soros wanted was America’s cities to be full of the same lawless wretched leftist clowns who populate Baltimore’s prosecutorial offices, which just happened to be his first test city for cash.  The results speak for themselves.

Apparently, the ads worked, even in increasingly blue-tinged San Diego. Voters don’t want to be another Soros test project like what Baltimore became.  That is one heck of a margin and the money-pulling suggests that Soros himself believes the poll.

Here’s another thing: Jones-Wright was the darling of the Democratic establishment here.  She was no unknown to them; she was their poster girl for progressivism.  Her ads saturated the airwaves because of that $400,000 and more.  Her endorsement list is absolutely massive, with Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom, Ricardo Lara, Willie Brown, the whole Democratic Party apparat, EMILY’s list,, and many more prominent names among the endorsers.  Stephan, by contrast, got a bunch of stray chambers of commerce from San Diego’s outer burgs and a few small police associations.

But there we have it: 45-25, Stephan’s favor.  The endorsements were worth nothing.  And it probably helped Stephan that she fought back against all the Soros ads, particularly the one featuring George Soros as an issue in itself.

Message: Pinning Soros cash to any candidate is the kiss of death.  Every candidate from here on out is likely to take notice and act accordingly.  Watch Soros change his tactics, too.

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