John Wadsworth, john@wadsworthassociates.com

Did you notice what Shanghai Joe just said in his speech to the nation?
“I need you to get vaccinated when it’s your turn and when you can find an opportunity… And to help your family, your friends, your neighbors get vaccinated as well.”

Based on this statement, it should be assumed that people will be assigned a turn to take the vaccine.  What will that look like?  This may be an appointment, a coupon, or some other thing that indicates when it is your “turn”.  
It is also to be assumed, based on these words, that the government will encourage people to “help” others get vaccinated.  This is communist code talk for “rat them out and become an informer to the state”.

Can you smell the communism yet?  

  • spying on family and neighbors and reporting on them
  • mandatory compliance with “vaccines” that are really a nano-technological medical device and an operating system for the “internet of things (IOT) that extends the frontier of the transhumanist aspirations of the globalists, creating a global class of “slave citizens” who are constantly tracked and evaluated for their value to the state.
  • payments that come from an economy that is engineered to erect a socialist state, but coming under the guise of “help from the government”

And don’t be surprised if compliance with this vaccine mandate is linked to the “stimulus payments” that you are becoming addicted to.  In a very real sense, if you are depending on these payments from your political masters, then you have already received the “vaccine against liberty”.  I’m not saying don’t cash the check.  Cash it – you will be charged for it anyway and you will pay for it either through direct taxation or through the indirect taxation of the eroded value of your currency due to monetary and fiscal inflation.  Cash it – but realize that you have now been recruited as an employee of the state.  And believe me, the mono-party mob that has taken over this nation depends on good comrades who not only receive this money, but who do so with an attitude of entitlement and expectancy.  

It’s fair to ask.  Have you been recruited?  Are you living like a good comrade?

Good comrades comply.  Good comrades are careful to never criticize the government.  Good comrades NEVER engage in hate speech (communist code talk for speech that criticizes the government or holds them to account for their misdeeds).  Good comrades obey when the government says “put on that mask” or “take that vaccine”.  Good comrades don’t object when their private property is confiscated, or their private businesses shut down.  After all, its all for the common good, right.  Individual liberties are an outdated idea stemming from colonialists, capitalists and racists, right?

From an autobiography written by a top Soviet defector, Anatoly Granovsky, regarding the policy of the communists in subjecting the satellite nations of Eastern Europe to their will, as they confiscated private property, grew the state and paid those who were either complicit or who actively worked for the expansion of communism:

“The division was quite arbitrary and capricious and very temporary.  No deeds of ownership were given to the new holders.  These, it was said, would come in good time.  The local currency, the pengo, was systematically inflated by the abundant printing in Moscow of new money which was supplied to Soviet troops in the area and with which local employees of the government were paid.  Prices rose steadily every day, but for the right people money in any quantity was always available.” page 204 “I was an NKVD Agent“, copyright 1962

Hopefully by now you are seeing that this manufactured crisis that we are in is all in accordance with a long-term strategy that has evinced a design to reduce the United States to an absolute despotic satellite state of China.  The university system, the media, and the mainstream media all promote communist propaganda and actively censor, libel, slander, and marginalize all that is good and right.

You will have to choose.  It IS a time for choosing.  Will you comply with the tyranny?  And if so, what does that make you?  Will you defend our liberty?  Will you just try to blend in and not be noticed, as the persecution of Christians and patriots continues to ramp up?

After reflecting on the content of this article, ask yourself whether or not you have unwittingly been recruited as a dependent and paid employee of the state.  Ask yourself if you have been vaccinated against the liberty that our founders fought for.  Or, on the other hand, are you poised for action to act in defense of these liberties?

What will you do when they demand you submit to their gun confiscation schemes?  What will you do when they demand you get vaccinated?  What will you do when they censor you?  What will you do when you are told that you cannot freely assemble without government sanction?  If you are wondering what to do, then I have a recommendation, and I suggest you waste no time implementing it.  JOIN THE NEW STATE MOVEMENT.

How would you like to live in a State that has a constitution that guarantees you medical liberty, and one where mandated, compulsory vaccines, “tests”, and implantable devices will not be enforced?  Welcome to New California State.  Get on board and come on in!  Don’t assume that you can just wait for it to happen.  Become an active patriot who participates in the defense of our liberty and join the loyal resistance to tyranny.  Loyalty to our constitution now means active non-compliance with dictates and edicts from communist mouthpieces like Shanghai Joe Biden and Gavin “any twosome” Newsom.  Contact your New California Assemblyman or Senator to find out how to get involved.

New California State


  1. I love this article and appreciate your work, BUT what if there IS a military plan in place, that WILL NOT allow this abuse of power to go forward ?
    What if the tables are about to be turned on the wicked?
    What if President Trump and the alliance of nations are in full control of what is happening worldwide?
    What if the existence of GOD is about to be known, because of this full on push to destroy humanity?
    Trump said in one of his state of the union speeches , WE WILL NEVER BECOME COMMUNIST, SOCIALIST and the such. HE LOOKED RIGHT INTO THE DEMOCRATS EYES and said this, do you remember?
    What if the ART OF WAR is being played out right in front of us and all will be well in the year 2021, when PRESIDENT TRUMP gets re-installed?
    WHAT IF ?

  2. If, then…we are in good shape, temporarily, and I hope that is the case. Indeed, I believe it is, but I confess that I am an optimist. Be that as it may, we have to play the hand we are dealt, not the one we hope to have. This is not a conflict. Having said this, remember that liberty is just one generation away from extinction. Where the Spirit of God is, there is liberty. Where there is a dearth of God’s word, that living and active agency, that works effectively in His people, there is tyranny. What kind of people must we be, then, in the times in which we live?

  3. I hear you. Why was the MAGA movement formed?
    Why would there be something set up, where 100 million Trump Supporters ( in America alone), will now be targets for violence or death?
    Why did Trump get into office, if it is this evil, out in the world?
    It is foolish to think that President Trump’s 4 years was a fluke and the MAGA movement is over, this is what the enemy wants us to believe. The evil out there is working overtime to convince this world that they are the ALL powerful ones, DON’T FALL INTO These propaganda lies, READER. The soft WW3 is happening NOW, the war is already battling, We do have a force of millions of TRAINED fighters, ready at will, but the war is not being fought so much with guns and tanks, it is being fought with cyber-space warfare. This is the type of person I will be, A Christian and believer In Jesus Christ standing up for TRUTH found in the Holy Bible and also I will fight physically to defend the good peoples in our USA country, if GOD judges me for defending it and judges me for harming violent people who care not, then I guess GOD will judge me for that, I also will start to pray more, because this is a fault of mine. That is the type of people we must become right now. I will defend you to, if need being.

  4. MAGA was formed because the previous administration sought the diminution of America. Good people recognized that this would lead to an ascendency of evil in the world, heretofore not witnessed.

    There are already casualties (in terms of human lives lost) due to the theft of the 2020 election, regardless of whether or not there is a plan in effect to rectify the present debacle. That doesn’t mean things can’t turn around, but understand this – there are already casualties – and God cares.

    The war is fought – won or lost – by the complicity or the non-compliance of the citizens, and the inaction or the courage of those who care more for the eternal than the temporal.

    “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”. – Edmund Burke

    “Do you suppose that I came to grant peace on the earth? I tell you, no, but rather division.” Luke 12:51

    And as far as the lukewarm and those who sit on fences…”and that slave who knew his master’s will and did not get ready or act in accord with his will, will receive many lashes, but the one who did not know it, and committed deeds of a flogging, will receive but few”.

    If the pew becomes a fence, we are all in danger.

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