Hunger Games Producer Talks About Pedo’s in Hollywood

Producer of “Hunger Games” talks about Hollywood pedophiles

By Paul Preston

I was introduced to the Hollywood pedophiles rings back in 1986 when I was trained by the L.A. Police Department’s Crimes Against Children Task Force.

The training was one of the most important trainings I’ve ever had as a professional. I had no idea I would have to utilize the training over the next thirty years in attempts to save children from the pedophiles rings. The first shock in the training was the fact that pedophiles rings existed. Then there was the human trafficking, then the child sex trafficking it seemed endless and it was endless.

Now Hollywood Independent Film Producer John Paul Rice known for famous movies such as Remember the Titans, Juno, The Hunger Games, The Grudge, A Child’s Voice speaks up on child sex trafficking in the entertainment industry speaks out about the the same pedophiles rings I learned about over 36 years ago. Watch this video and learn. We have made process but we have along way to go to destroy this evil.

Hollywood Independent Film Producer John Paul Rice known for famous movies such as Remember the Titans, Juno, The Hunger Games, The Grudge, A Child’s Voice speaks up on child sex trafficking in the entertainment industry, politics and more!

A Child’s Voice from No Restrictions Studios on Vimeo.

Hunger Games Trailer

Remember the Titans Trailer

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