Why the 3 State Initiative Will Fail



I’ve been asked to respond to the recent development regarding 3 State California ballot initiative by Tim Draper. Just last week it was revealed the initiative reached well beyond the necessary 365,000 signatures by obtaining over 600,000 signatures.  If all these signatures are verified or the 365,000 threshold is achieved then the initiative will be placed on the ballot for the general election in November 2018.

Here is the initiative:

Initiative 17-0018 (Amdt. #1)

The Attorney General of California has prepared the following title and summary of the chief purpose and points of the proposed measure:


Divides California into three states subject to approval by Congress. Assigns each county to a new state. Upon passage, directs Governor to request that Congress grant approval within twelve months. If Congress approves, directs Legislature to divide California’s assets and liabilities between the new states. Provides that, if Legislature fails to act within twelve months of Congressional approval, debts shall be distributed among new states based on population relative to California population as a whole, and assets within boundaries of each new state shall become the assets of that new state. Summary of estimate by Legislative Analyst and Director of Finance of fiscal impact on state and local government: Assuming this measure is approved by voters and the federal government and allowed by the courts, all tax collections and spending by the existing State of California would end. California’s existing state assets and liabilities would be divided among three new states. These states would make their own decisions about state and local taxes and spending. (17-0018.)

Let’s be clear about what this attempted breakup of California really is about.
1. The ballot initiative process to achieve statehood is unconstitutional and will not create any state. The U.S. Constitution is very clear in Article IV Section 3 states:

New States may be admitted by the Congress into this Union; but no new State shall be formed or erected within the Jurisdiction of any other State; nor any State be formed by the Junction of two or more States, or Parts of States, without the Consent of the Legislatures of the States concerned as well as of the Congress.

If the Congress approves a measure to create a new state, the measure would be presented to the President of the United States for approval or veto. In the event of a veto, the measure may be approved over the President’s objections with a two-thirds vote of the U.S. Senate and the U.S. House of Representatives.

2. None of the following statements from the ballot initiative is possible because they are not even attempting to satisfy the requirements of Article IV section 3 of the U.S. constitution:

“Assuming this measure is approved by voters and the federal government and allowed by the courts, all tax collections and spending by the existing State of California would end. California’s existing state assets and liabilities would be divided among three new states. These states would make their own decisions about state and local taxes and spending. (17-0018.)”

3. Californians will go to ballot box and vote and if they approve the initiative and there are attempts to follow the directions of the initiatives they will be disappointed when the congress rejects Governor Browns effort to get their approval.

4. The three states will create 1 more liberal state outright immediately.  The third state ‘Southern California’ if illegal immigration patterns continue would in 5 years turn blue thus giving the Union a net 3 democratic states.

This is not a serious attempt to create three states because it does not follow the U.S. Constitution.  I had this very discussion with Mr. Draper when he was attempting to divide California into six states back in 2014.  Mr. Draper refused to listen to the need to follow the Constitution then and he is still insisting ‘he’ is above the law as he refuses to follow the Constitution today. By the way when you looked at the “6” state solution in time these states would have been ALL democratic!

So what is the motive?  Distraction.  Keep the people of California confused while giving them false hope which distracts them from the serious problems that confront the Golden State.  Mr. Draper has and continues to benefit by having his multibillion dollar business in a state run by a mono party governance system, led by a dictator which directly benefits Mr. Draper.

The ONLY state movement in the nation that will become a state is the New California State movement because it is the ONLY movement that is following the U.S. Constitution Article IV, Section 3 process.  It is the ONLY movement with a real record of advancing toward statehood.  Look at the Record to date:

New California State officially declared it’s intent to be Independent and separate from California on January 15, 2018.

New California has been publicly declaring “Grievances” against California every Tuesday for the last 12 weeks and will continue to do so for the next 28 weeks.

38 California Counties have active New California State ‘Committees” dedicated for working with the U.S. constitution to separate into a new state.

A co-equal government is now forming.

A New California State legislature is now forming as counties are in the process of selecting their members of the New California State Bicameral legislature.

There is an executive branch now formed.  

58 counties of California’s 58 counties have expressed interest in becoming part of New California. 

There have been contacts made in congress and at the state legislature by New California State representatives to advance into statehood.

The process of making a new state is not easy.  It takes dedicated people who know the road to statehood is found in the “How to make a new state road map” known as the U.S. Constitution.  

Paul Preston

Vice Chair New California State.  

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