Why are my taxes paying for Denver to subvert immigration laws?

Jon Murray, Denver Post file Denver City Council member Paul López speaks on Aug. 31 during an ordinance-signing ceremony for a measure that establishes a legal defense fund for immigrants, including some who are in the country illegally. This week, the City Council approved $200,000 in spending next year for the fund.



Re: “Bolstered Denver immigrant defense fund wins wide council support; mayor agrees to broader funding,” Nov. 6 news story.

It is bad enough that our mayor and City Council have adopted a sanctuary city policy, seeking to thwart enforcement of the federal immigration laws. The City Council has now compounded the felony by voting to commit $200,000 of taxpayer money to “a new legal defense fund for immigrants” to assist “people facing deportation proceedings.”

As a U.S. citizen, I want to see our federal laws respected and enforced. As a Denver taxpayer, I do not want to see my tax dollars dedicated to defying federal law. Your article reports that “the money likely will be channeled to nonprofits that aid immigrants, rather than to immigrants directly.” So I am going to be paying taxes so the City Council can dole it out to certain favored nonprofits? This is beyond outrageous.

Osborne Dykes, Denver

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